Latest IENE news and announcements
Back to Business, Networking Cocktail Reception, October 15, 2024
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Athens, October 15,2024

Athens, November 6-7, 2024

Thessaloniki, 19-20 June, 2024

Tirana, May 30, 2024

In the spotlight
IENE Programmes
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Electricity & Gas Market Dynamics in SE Europe

Closely monitoring the performance and further development of electricity and gas markets in SE Europe

Renewables, Storage & Transformation of Electricity Systems in SE Europe

Examining the further use of renewable energy sources across the region and establishing limits for their penetration in the energy system

Hydrogen, the New Energy Carrier & Synthetic Fuels

Hydrogen and electricity are both carbon free energy carriers that can be produced from fossil energy resources as well as from renewable energy sources

Energy Efficiency, EV, Heating & Energy Poverty in SE Europe

Improving Energy Efficiency in SE Europe is gaining traction and has risen at the top of the action scale of the urgent measures that need to be taken in order to lower greenhouse gas emissions

Energy & Employment

The Institute has for a number of years been involved in studies concerning the relationship between energy and employment

Energy Policies in SE Europe

Energy policy forms the main instrument in the hands of governments in order to influence the way that energy is generated, supplied and used

Funding Instruments & Tools for Energy Transition, Green Bonds

As of January 2021, IENE was confirmed by the Climate Bonds Standard Board as an Approved Verifier under the Climate Bonds Standard

IENE Programmes

The Institute has a number of main Programmes running and producing useful results and insights, and fewer secondary background type of Programmes which are at an evaluation stage

Energy News
The leading energy think tank in the SEE region
IENE provides a platform for the discussion and analysis of crucial energy and environmental issues

The Institute’s prime purpose is to constitute a permanent forum where energy issues can be discussed, analyzed, reformulated and presented to the scientific and technological communities, social, productive and financial entities, as well as to institutional bodies, in unbiased, objective and credible terms, something which is guaranteed by its scientific standing, its managerial rectitude and the transparency of its operations.

Learn more about IENE
Become a member
Categories of Membership

Membership to the Institute is open to any applicant who is professionally involved in the energy field


Members receive multiple exclusive benefits and privileges

How to Apply

In order to become a member of IENE one must apply for membership by completing the appropriate registration form

Corporate Members

IENE Corporate Members consist of esteemed corporations from both the public and private sector

Cooperating Organizations
Media Partners