3. Energy Policies in SE Europe

Energy policy forms the main instrument in the hands of governments in order to influence the way that energy is generated, supplied and used

Energy policy forms the main instrument in the hands of governments in order to influence the way that energy is generated, supplied and used. Hence, the continuous monitoring and assessment of the energy policies of the different countries in SE Europe is of prime concern to IENE. Changes in “energy policies” and compliance to EU and other targets are closely monitored, analysed and reported through the various publications of the Institute. The great divergence of the energy policies pursued by the different countries in the region presents a real challenge in terms of reporting and assessment. Consequently, IENE’s role, as an independent organization and committed energy stakeholder is crucial in identifying areas in difficulty where urgent or longer-term action is required.

If we were to examine regional energy policies over the last 10 years and prioritize them according to stated plans by national governments, we shall realize that we end up with an inverted pyramid arrangement, compared to stated and pursued official Energy Union policies. In this respect, IENE’s engagement in studying and analysing the energy policies of the various SEE countries is useful and constructive as part of the broader effort to attain specific targets. In that context, the aim of this programme is to cover latest developments regarding energy policies in SE Europe as well as identify important changes in EU legal and regulatory framework that are expected to have a positive or negative impact in the region.