He is currently an external Research Associate contributing regularly analysis on energy market issues.
Dimitrios Faros is a graduate (2003) of the Department of International and European Studies of the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences of Athens, Greece. He has also attended Summer School courses at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) on Modern Political Theories (2001).
Almost ever since October 2008 (2008-2018, 2020-), he has been working as a Research Associate at the Institute of Energy for South East Europe (IENE) (Athens, Greece), co-ordinator of the Institute’s website (www.iene.gr) and editor of the energy portal www.energia.gr .
He speaks English (fluently), French (very good level of knowledge) and German (good level of knowledge).
He has written several articles, published in Greek websites, on Greek and European politics, as well as on international relations.

Mechanical Engineer with a PhD (1988), MSc (1985) in thermal sciences from Georgia Institute of Technology, and BSc (1984) in energy from Michigan Technological University. Leader of Group Energy Conservation at IERSD-NOA since 1995. Research interests in the areas of energy conservation, high performing buildings and decarbonization of the built environment, sustainability assessment of buildings-neighborhoods-cities, solar thermal and cooling applications, building energy audits-diagnosis and retrofitting, environmental impact of buildings, indoor environment, thermal simulations, solar air-conditioning. Instrumental in the development of the technical guidelines and the national regulation on the energy performance of buildings (KENAK) for EPBD transposition in Greece. Editorial Board member in Energy & Buildings. ASHRAE Vice President (2011-2013) and Member of the ASHRAE Board of Directors as Director & Regional Chair Region XIV – Europe (2017-2020) and Director At Large (2007-2010); Chartered Mechanical Engineer and Member of the Technical Chamber of Greece; EUR ING; Fellow ASME; Fellow ASHRAE.

Dr. Konstantinos Filis, is Director at the Institute of Global Affairs. Associate Professor at the American College of Greece. President of the Foundation for Thracean Art and Tradition and member of the Hellenic Olympic Committee. Also, commentator for Ant1 Group. Member of the Advisory Committee at the Institute of International Relations, Panteion University. Former Executive Director and Director of Research at the Institute of International Relations, Panteion University.
Elected in November 2007 and served for two years as Senior Associate Member at St Antony's College, Oxford University and as Research Fellow at South East European Studies at Oxford (SEESOX), Oxford University.
He lectures at the Hellenic Naval Staff and Command College, at the Hellenic National Defense College and at the Police Academy. He is currently member of: the BoD of Piraeus Asset Management, the Greek-Turkish Forum, The Institute of Energy for South-East Europe, and the board of the Delphi Economic Forum. He is also Director of the International Olympic Truce Centre, energy and geoeconomics advisor to the Hellenic Entrepreneurs Association and Advisory Board member of DiaNEOsis Research and Policy Institute.
His most recent books/monographs are: “Assertive Patriotism”, “Greece in its neighbourhood”, “A Closer Look at Russia and its Influence in the World”, “Turkey, Islam, Erdogan”, and “Refugees, Europe, Insecurity”.

Kaloyan Staykov is a Senior Economist at the Institute for Market Economics where he is working on analysis in the fields of public finances, energy, health care, and financial systems. Prior to joining the IME team, he has worked as an economist at the Center for Economic Development. He is part of the author's team, which prepared the book Anatomy of the Crisis, published in 2015, with a focus on the development of the public finances during and after the economic crisis. In 2017, he was part of the team that prepared the book Flat Tax in Bulgaria: Background, Introduction and Results, with a focus on the policy in the field of corporate taxation. In recent years he has been involved in the preparation and presentation of IME's annual "Alternative State Budget".
Staykov is a member, and the vise-chair of the board, of the Bulgarian Macroeconomic Association. Currently he is a PhD student at the Sofia University St. Climent Ohridski, Bulgaria, holds a Master's degree in Economics and Management in Energy, Infrastructure and Utilities from the Sofia University St. Climent Ohridski and a Bachelor's degree in International Economics and Business with a specialization in Finance from the Amsterdam University, The Netherlands.

Currently considered one of the most respected energy journalists, Irina is a Contributing Editor to IENE's newsletters, focusing on the Institute's montly “Energy Comment”. She is providing regularly useful analyses and comments, not only on matters related to SE Europe but also more generally, on such diverse issues as energy transition, technologies and investments.
She also blogs at irinaslav.substack.com. Irina has a BA in English literature and linguistics from Sofia University, Bulgaria.