IENE NEWSLatest IENE Analysis Focuses on the New Challenges for the (SE) European Gas Market

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Latest IENE Analysis Focuses on the New Challenges for the (SE) European Gas Market

In 2023, the EU gas system consolidated the notable changes initiated in 2022 to reduce reliance on Russian supply through increased LNG imports and demand reduction. This supply shift lead to an important reshuffling of gas transit flows within the EU network moving away from the historical East-West transmission corridor. These reshuffled flows continued in 2023 and 2024 so far


MEDIA PARTNERS Balkan Green Energy News NE Global
ARTICLES - COMMENTARYWhy Oil Import Restrictions Hurt Russia More Than the Price Cap

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Why Oil Import Restrictions Hurt Russia More Than the Price Cap

by Lutz Kilian, David Rapson and Burkhard Schipper*

Sanctions in response to the invasion of Ukraine led to a substantial decline in Russia’s crude oil revenues in 2022 and 2023. This column argues that the decline in revenue was due almost entirely to the embargo on Russian crude oil imports, which forced Russian oil exports to be redirected from Europe to more distant customers in Asia and conferred market power on India and China

ARTICLES - COMMENTARYGreen Transition at Risk as Carbon Offset Schemes Falter

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Green Transition at Risk as Carbon Offset Schemes Falter

by Felicity Bradstock*

Many carbon offset projects fail to meet sustainability criteria, despite certification from reputable standards. Companies overstate their decarbonization achievements through ineffective offset schemes, unhindered by weak regulation. Studies demonstrate the failure of carbon offsets to reduce emissions, highlighting the need for stricter monitoring and assessment

EVENTS 15th South East Europe Energy Dialogue 3rd Tirana Energy Forum 1st Greek-Turkish Energy Forum Decarbonization Policies in South East Europe – between climate change and war


PUBLICATIONS The Greek Energy Sector 2023 South East Europe Energy Outlook 2021/2022 Long-Term Gas Contracting Terms, definitions, pricing - Therory and practice More

COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE