YEKA Tender Could Improve Turkish-German Relations

The German energy company, Siemens, won the tender in Turkey's Renewable Energy Resources Zone Project (YEKA) and this will contribute positively to the relationship between Turkey and Germany, according to Berat Albayrak, Turkey's energy and natural resources minister on Thursday.

The Siemens - Turkerler - Kalyon consortium won the first 1,000-megawatt wind tender offered by Turkey's YEKA on Thursday. The consortium offered the lowest price at $3.48 per kilowatt-hour of electricity production.

Speaking after the YEKA tender on Thursday, Albayrak said that the result of the tender sends an important message to the world considering the 200 years of long relationship between the two counties.

Turkey broke record in cost of electricity per hour from wind power generation in the tender which was $10.3 before, Albayrak highlighted.

"There is a need to increase the share of local and renewable resources in order to decrease the country's current account deficit," Albayrak said, adding that "Especially, in the places where supply is lower, we will continue the investments in local resources and YEKA in the future."

Ties between Ankara and Berlin have been strained in recent months as Turkish leaders slammed Germany for turning a blind eye to outlawed groups and terrorist organizations, while German politicians criticized Turkey over human rights and freedom of the press issues.

Weeks before the general elections in Germany in September, Chancellor Angela Merkel's coalition government sharpened its tone towards Turkey, and adopted a number of economic measures in an attempt to increase pressure on Ankara.

(Anadolu Agency)

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