US Tells Companies to 'Get Out' of Russian Gas Projects

US State Secretary Mike Pompeo warned on Wednesday the companies working at Nord Stream 2 and the second line of Turk Stream energy pipeline projects are at risk of US sanctions, citing Russia's "malign" influence in Europe.

Speaking at a press briefing, Pompeo said the Department of State is updating public guidance for the Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA) authorities to include these projects.

"This action puts investment and other activities related to these Russian energy export pipelines at risk of US sanctions," he said. "It is a clear warning to companies aiding and abetting Russia's malign influence projects and [they] will not be tolerated."

"Get out now and or risk consequences," the top diplomat warned.

He said those investments are "not commercial projects" but are Kremlin's "key tools to exploit and expand" European dependence on energy supplies.

For his part, Francis Fannon, the assistant secretary for the Bureau of Energy Resources at State Department, said the US has been hard at work, assisting and promoting more energy options for Europe, including Belarus and Lithuania, among others.

"The US has been clear in its support for the rights of our European allies and partners to have reliable choices for energy, choices that are not conditioned on political and military pressure from the Kremlin," Fannon said.

(Anadolu Agency, July 15, 2020)

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