Two New Working Papers Released on “Gas Corridors” and the “Energy Transition”

Two New Working Papers Released on “Gas Corridors” and the “Energy Transition”Two important Working Papers were uploaded on IENE’s website earlier this week. The first one is WP No. 26 entitled “Natural Gas Import and Export Routes in South-East Europe and Turkey”, and the second one is WP No. 27 entitled “What Kind of Energy Transition? The Case of CE and SE Europe”.

Two important Working Papers were uploaded on IENE’s website earlier this week. The first one is WP No. 26 entitled "Natural Gas Import and Export Routes in South-East Europe and Turkey”, and the second one is WP No. 27 entitled "What Kind of Energy Transition? The Case of CE and SE Europe”.

The first Working Paper, which is authored by Gina Cohen, a well known lecturer and Consultant on Natural Gas, deals with the central role played by Turkey in the upcoming gas infrastructure projects and proposals to group them into three main corridors reflecting the geographical direction of each route. Each of these import corridors is likely to be dominated by at least one major supply route that will reach Turkey and from where it would merge with export infrastructure to central, eastern or southern European markets. In addition, the Working Paper examines the supplies and projects that are likely to be commissioned, both pipeline and LNG, describing the technical details, the stage of development they are currently at, and the implications for the region. For further details please see the following link:

The second Working Paper, which is authored by Costis Stambolis, Chairman of IENE and Dimitris Mezartasoglou, Head of Research at IENE, which was initially prepared as a background document for IENE’s Vienna Energy Transition Forum (June 6/7), deals with the question of what kind of "Energy Transition” do we really want as several countries are now adapting their energy policies, to move away from coal and substitute it with gas and renewables. Shall we move full speed ahead with a gigantic switch to renewables and gas, for base load, to the exclusion practically of everything else, or are we prepared to examine the inclusion of the traditional oil and gas industry together with nuclear energy as part of more balanced and down to earth decarbonisation policies? For further details please see the following link:

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COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE