Turkish ELDER to Invest 20B TL for Power Distribution

A total of 20 billion Turkish liras will be invested in Turkey's electricity sector to develop the distribution network between 2016 and 2020, and from this total 2 billion liras will be allocated to technological investments, according to Serhat Cecen, the head of Turkey's Electricity Distribution Services Association (ELDER) on Friday.

In an exclusive interview with Anadolu Agency, Cecen said that ELDER invested 4.3 billion liras in 2016 and 5.9 billion liras in 2017 in Turkey's electricity infrastructure. Some sections of Turkey's electricity distribution infrastructure is more than 30 years old and needs to be updated and renewed, Cecen explained.

"Among the total investments for electricity distribution of the country, around 200 million liras was spent for research and development activities so far," he said noting that additional investments for distribution and for a sustainable, predictable electricity market are required.

He also stated that the electricity sector is working in collaboration with Turkey's energy watchdog EMRA, the private energy sector and lawmakers to develop the country's energy market.

Turkey undertook a privatization drive in the country's electricity distribution in 2013. ELDER oversees the 21 distribution companies in Turkey and represents the interests of these companies.

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