Turkey's Zorlu Signs 50MW Solar Deal With Kazakhstan

Turkey's Zorlu Energy signed a good-will agreement with Kazakhstan to construct a 50-megawatt (MW) solar power plant in Kazakhstan, the company announced Thursday.

Kazakhstan's Energy Minister Kanat Bozumbayev and Zorlu Energy's General Manager of Investments, Operations & Maintenance, Ali Kindap signed the agreement on the sidelines of Turkey-Kazakhstan Investment Forum, held in Ankara on Wednesday.

Kazakhstan's Ministry for Investments and Development, Turkey's Ministry of Trade, Kazakh Invest and Turkish Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEIK) organized the forum, which was held to promote and implement Kazakhstan's economic targets for 2050.

Kazakhstan aims to increase its share of green energy in the country to 50 percent by 2050. The country currently has 23 solar power plants, 20 wind power plants and more than 10 hydropower plants, which are expected to produce 2,000 MW of electricity by 2020.

- Kazakhstan's Nazarbayev to visit Turkey

According to Kazakh presidential sources, Kazakhstan's president will pay an official visit to Turkey on Thursday to participate in the 3rd High-Level Strategic Cooperation Council meeting between Turkey and Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan's President Nursultan Nazarbayev will meet Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and hold talks with Turkish entrepreneurs, according to the Kazakh presidency's statement on Wednesday.

(Anadolu Agency)

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