Turkey's total natural gas imports increased by 4.37 percent in December 2016 compared to December 2015, according to Turkey's energy watchdog data on Monday.
Turkey's total natural gas imports rose to 5.57 billion cubic meters (bcm) in December 2016 from 5.34 bcm in December 2015, Turkish Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA) announced in its Natural Gas Market Report for December 2016.
The country imported 4.28 bcm of natural gas via pipelines and 1.29 bcm as liquefied natural gas (LNG), EMRA's data shows.
Turkey imported 2.82 bcm of natural gas from Russia, 857 million cubic meters (mcm) from Iran and 594 mcm from Azerbaijan.
Turkish natural gas production increased from 30.9 mcm in December 2015 to 32.4 mcm in December 2016, the majority of which came from the north western Tekirdag province with 17.3 mcm.
In addition, Turkey's natural gas exports increased by 10.8 percent to 74.7 mcm in December 2016 with Greece being the only importing country.
The country's natural gas consumption increased by 1.75 percent to 5.37 bcm in December 2016, compared to 5.28 bcm in December 2015.
In December 2016, household consumption amounted to 2.24 bcm of natural gas -- percent more than December 2015. This consumption constituted 41.7 percent of the country's total consumption.
According to EMRA's data, Turkey stored 1.7 bcm of natural gas in December 2016 in comparison to 2.12 bcm in December 2015 -- a decrease of 20.3 percent in natural gas storage.
(Anadolu Agency)