Turkey Experiencing Electricity Blackout

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Power outage in most of Turkey occurred after problems in transmission lines, Turkish Electricity Transmission Company, TEIAS officials say.

Turkey is currently experiencing electricity outages in many regions due to problems that occurred in thetransmission lines,Turkish Electricity Transmission Company, TEIAS officials said early Tuesday.

Thepoweroutage in most of the countryoccurred after problems atthe transmission lines started at10.36 A.M. TEIAShas confirmed that 15 percent of the electricity has been restored to Ankara and Istanbul. Additionally the parliament and both Ankara's and some of Istanbul's metro stations now haveelectricity.

Electricity transmission has restarted in some provincesincludingErzurum, Erzincan, Ardahan, Agri, Kars, Igdir andBayburt in the east andTrabzon, Rize, Gumushane, Artvin, Bayburt, Giresun, Samsun, Amasya, Ordu, Corum and Sinop in the Black Sea region.

According to a written statement from Thrace region's electricity transmission company,Tekirdag, Kirklareliand Edirne have restoredelectricity while transmission tothe rest of the region will proceed gradually.

TEIAS has started a technicalinvestigationand continues to work towardsrestarting electricity transmission to the remaining parts of the country which are currently experiencing outages.

Turkey's Energy Minister, Taner Yildiz spoke during his visit to Slovakia on Tuesdayat midday and said the cause is yet unknown and was unable to either confirm or deny if it was a cyber-attack that caused the outage.

He saidthat whatis important is toget the transmission back up and running to all regions in Turkey from the crisis center based in theGolbasi district of Ankara.

Turkish Prime Minister, Ahmet Davutoglu,saidthat all possibilities are under investigation regarding apossible terrorist angle in Turkey’s power cut.


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