The Pivotal Role of Energy in Economic Development is the Key Theme IENE's Annual Conference

The Pivotal Role of Energy in Economic Development is the Key Theme IENE's Annual ConferenceFocusing on the key role of energy in economic growth the Institute of Energy for SE Europe (IENE) is organising its major annual event, the 24th National Conference "Energy & Development" on 21 and 22 November 2019.

Focusing on the key role of  energy in economic growth the Institute of Energy for SE Europe (IENE) is organising its major annual event, the 24th National Conference "Energy & Development" on 21 and 22 November 2019.

The conference, which will take place at the Eugenides Foundation (387 Syngrou Ave.) in Athens, brings together once again a number of top energy experts and executives from Greece and abroad, as well as representatives of major international and European energy organizations and companies, who will present the latest developments across the entire energy spectrum.

The aim of this year's conference, which takes place under the auspices of the Ministry of Environment and Energy, is to provide the opportunity for a meaningful and creative dialogue. The participants will exchange views, through well documented presentations on the latest developments and prospects in the field of energy and the environment, both in Greece and internationally, and hence will provide the opportunity for attendees to draw useful conclusions.

The keynote speech by Greece’s Energy and Environment Minister Mr. Kostis Hatzidakis, as well as the presentations and interventions by the CEOs of leading Greek energy companies are expected with great interest.

Among the highlights of IENE's annual conference will be the presentation of the World Energy Outlook 2019 published by the International Energy Agency (IEA) and presented by the organisation’s senior analyst, Kieran McNamara, as well as the presentation by Mrs. Irini Nikolaou, Policy officer at DG Climate from the European Commission in Brussels.

This year's "Energy & Development" conference innovation is the inclusion of an "Ambassador's Forum" in the opening part of the two-day event. In the discussion that will be moderated by Mr. Gus Papamichalopoulos, Deputy Chairman of IENE and Partner of KG Law Firm, the participants include HE Ms. Zhang Qiyue, Ambassador of the People's Republic of China in Greece, HE Ms. Kate Smith, Ambassador of the United Kingdom in Greece, Mr. Yossi Amrani, Ambassador of Israel and HE Mr. Kyriakos Kenevezos, Ambassador of the Republic of Cyprus in Greece.

The 3rd session of the conference which deals with global and regional energy challenges includes presentations by Dr. Leo Drollas, independent energy consultant from the UK, by Mr. Tim Yeo, Chairman of the New Nuclear Watch Institute (NNWI) and former Member of the British Parliament, and Prof. Pantelis Capros, Director of the E3M Lab Laboratory, National Technical University of Athens and Chairman of IENE Scientific Committee.

The fourth session which deals with investments in energy infrastructure will be moderated by Dr. John Desypris, past Chairman of IENE and Director of Regulatory Affairs of the Mytilineos Group with the participation by the CEOs of large energy companies such as PPC, HELPE, ADMIE, TERNA Energy etc.

Dr. Nikolaos Farantouris, Professor at the European Chair Jean Monnet at the University of Piraeus, will moderate the debate on "The New Gas Market in Greece and SE Europe", where interventions are expected by Mrs. Boyana Achovksi, Secretary General, Gas Infrastructure Europe, from Brussels, Mrs. Irene Iakovidou, Head of RAE’s Natural Gas Network, Mr. George Polychroniou, Director of DEPA's Strategy and Development, Mr. Jonathan Collingwood, Director of TAP’s Corporate Services & Country Manager for Greece and others.

The session which deals with "Policy Formulation” to be chaired by Prof. Pantelis Capros, is expected to attract considerable interest as the keynote speech will be delivered by Mr. Gerasimos Thomas, Deputy Minister of Energy while the Secretary General of the Ministry, Prof. Costas Aravossis in his intervention will focus on the environmental aspect of energy use.

"Hydrocarbons at a Critical Turn" is the title of a special session that will examine the case of hydrocarbons at a time that their role is being challenged, and will be coordinated by Mrs. Teresa Fokianou, Board Member of IENE and President of Flow Energy SA.

IENE's 24th annual conference will also address the issue of "Electricity and Smart Grids, Smart Cities and Smart Islands", with the participation of Mrs. Alexandra Sdoukou, Secretary General for Energy and Mineral Resources at the Ministry of Energy and Environment who will be the keynote speaker, while in the session entitled "Geopolitical and Geostrategic Parameters and the New Energy Landscape", there will be addresses by Mr. Angelos Syrigos, Assistant Professor of Panteion University and member of parliament for the New Democracy party, Dr. Charles Ellinas, Senior Fellow of Atlantic Council, UK, Dr. Costas Filis, Executive Director of the Institute of International Relations at Panteion University, and Dr. Marika Karagiannis energy expert and assistant professor at the University of Peloponnese.

IENE's 24th National "Energy & Development” Conference will once again be supported by major energy companies and organizations which will act as sponsors of the event. To see the detailed programme and confirmed speakers please visit the following link:


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COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE