The Energy Security Issues Confronting SE Europe Were Highlighted by IENE’s Executive Director at IICEC-Sabanci University Εvent in Istanbul

The Energy Security Issues Confronting SE Europe Were Highlighted by IENE’s Executive Director at IICEC-Sabanci University Εvent in IstanbulFollowing an invitation by the Istanbul International Centre for Energy Studies (IICEC) of Sabanci University, IENE’s Executive Director Mr. Costis Stambolis, accompanied by IENE’s Head of Research, Mr. Nicholaos Sofianos and its Resident Research Associate, Mr. Dimitris Mezartasoglou, visited Istanbul and participated in a special evening event on energy security in SE Europe

Following an invitation by the Istanbul International Centre for Energy Studies (IICEC) of Sabanci University, IENE’s Executive Director Mr. Costis Stambolis, accompanied by IENE’s Head of Research, Mr. Nicholaos Sofianos and its Resident Research Associate, Mr. Dimitris Mezartasoglou, visited Istanbul and participated in a special evening event on energy security in SE Europe. The event started with a concise, yet comprehensive, presentation by IENE’s Executive Director of the overall energy situation in SE Europe, Turkey’s special role as the region’s major player, and of the key energy security issues confronting SE Europe. His analysis on energy security focused on Turkey and Greece in view of their geographical location and their extensive energy infrastructure, existing and planned.

The discussion which followed, and was moderated by IICEC’s Director Prof. Dr. Carmine Difiglio, featured major contributions by H.E. Ambassador and Independent Board Member of Engie Mr. Mithat Rende and Emeritus Professor Dr. Ahmet Evin of Sabanci University. In their opening remarks both HE Mr. Mithan Rende and Prof. Ahmet Evin stressed the importance and vital role of energy security in the formulation of successful and long term energy policies which contribute to sustainable development. In this respect, they both noted, Turkey’s special significance as the region’s primary energy hub in view of its important role in both energy supply and diversification of energy shipment routes (i.e. oil, gas, electricity).

Some other important and highly relevant issues such as the role of coal and lignite resources, nuclear energy and Renewable Energy Sources were raised by some of the participants of the meeting, the total audience of which reached 60 people in all. Among them were some long standing IENE members in Turkey including Mr. Gokhan Yardim, General Manager of Angoragaz and Manager and Partner of ADG Consultancy Ltd, Dr. Yurdakuli Yigitguden, former Secretary General of the Ministry of Energy and until recently head of environment at OSCE in Vienna and Dr. Mustafa Tiris of T-Dynamic Co. of Istanbul. The full presentation of Costis Stambolis’ presentation at the IICEC meeting may be seen in the Reports section of this site.

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