The development of electricity grids and regional trends was the theme of the latest EMI Round Table in Sofia- IENE Participation

The development of electricity grids and regional trends was the theme of the latest EMI Round Table in Sofia- IENE ParticipationAs the european energy agenda is becoming more concerned in stepping up decarbonisation efforts, the role of electricity grids and distribution networks in particular moves center stage. Hence the importance of electricity networks in SE Europe was highlighted in the latest Energy Management Institute (EMI) well attended round table which was organised in Sofia, on Thursday, February 23.

As the european energy agenda is becoming more concerned in stepping up decarbonisation efforts, the role of electricity grids and distribution networks in particular moves center stage. Hence the importance of electricity networks in SE Europe was highlighted in the latest Energy Management Institute (EMI) well attended round table which was organised in Sofia, on Thursday, February 23. As Slavtcho Neykov, the Chairman of EMI, underlined in his opening remarks all our efforts to increase renewable participation in the electricity mix will come to nothing unless we have reliable, technologically advanced and expandable electricity grids with adequate capacity to be able to handle increased electricity loads and customised consumer needs.

In order to explain the role of electricity grids at European and regional level but also discuss the challenges involved in their upgrading EMI had invited as keynote speakers Mr.Kristian Ruby the Secretary General of Eurelectric and Mr.Costis Stambolis, the Chairman and Executive Director of IENE. In his presentation Kristian Ruby gave emphasis on EU’s plans for electricity market reform outlining the process which is already unfolding as the Commission’s legislative proposal is due on March 14 with the prospect of finalising it by this time next year. He then discussed the grid integration challenge as more than 70% of new capacity will be connected at the distribution level. “ If we accelerate renewables, we need to accelerate the grid”, Kristian Ruby underlined.

In his presentation Costis Stambolis spoke on the “ Electricity grids and decarbonisation in SE Europe with special reference to Greece”. As decarbonisation takes hold in SEE the role of electricity grids and especially distribution networks gains new importance, stressed Stambolis. “ As we move towards greater RES penetration we are also moving towards greater electrification; greater electrification means more expanded electricity grids;more expanded electricity grids means technological upgrading to a enable more efficient management of electricity flows; technological upgrading means constant attention to grid requirements and consumer trends and needs”, emphasised Stambolis. He then explained in some detail the situation in Greece with regard to the distribution network and its current limited capacity to carry more incoming electricity loads from newly connected RES installations and the problems associated with it.

Following the above two keynote presentations which can be seen here, short interventions followed by four senior executives and prominent players in Bulgaria’s electricity market, namely Prof. Atanas Georgiev, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at Sofia University “St.Klimentyev Ohridski”, Mr.Karel Karl, CEO of the Electrohold Bulgarian Group, Mrs.Kalina Trifonova, Deputy Chairperson of the Management Board of EVN Bulgaria and Mrs.Angela Toneva, Member of the Board of Management and Executive Director of Energy-Pro Varna. A lively discussion followed among the audience which included market representatives from all branches of Bulgaria’s electricity market. The event concluded with remarks by Bulgaria’s Chairman of the Electricity and Water Regulatory Commision, Prof. Nikolaev Ivanov and by the organiser, Mr.Slavtco Neykov, Chairman of the Board of EMI.


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COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE