The 7th Cyprus Energy Symposium Focused on the Burning Issues of the Island's Energy Agenda

The 7th Cyprus Energy Symposium Focused on the Burning Issues of the Island's Energy Agenda Under the broad theme of " The next steps by Cyprus on East Med's Energy Chessboard" the 7th Cyprus Energy Symposium, which was held at the Landmark Hotel in Nicosia on Thursday on December 5, became the focus of global attention as Cyprus's strategy and plans to turn the island into a major European gas supply hub

Under the broad theme of " The next steps by Cyprus on East Med's Energy Chessboard" the 7th Cyprus Energy Symposium, which was held at the Landmark Hotel in Nicosia on Thursday on December 5, became the focus of global attention as Cyprus's strategy and plans to turn the island into a major European gas supply hub are being tested by Turkey's aggressive behavior and claims within the island's Economic Exclusion Zone (EEZ). Through a number of keynote speeches and presentations by policy makers and energy experts alike Cyprus's positionas an emerging energy player was amply demonstrated.

Opening the Symposium the president of the Republic of Cyprus, HE Mr.Nikos Anastasiadis challenged Ankara's stand in the region referring to "Turkey's international law" summing up the continuous provocations and opposition by Turkey over Cyprus's efforts to develop its indigenous energy resources. The President re affirmed Cyprus commitment to adhere to international law,as this is defined by UNCLOS, and respect EU's strategy. Mr.Anstasiadis also referred to his government's strenuous plans to attain EU agreed goals, within the bloc's stated strategy, with regard to Climate Change policies.

Once again the annual Cyprus Energy Symposium, jointly organized by IENE and FMW-Financial Media Way, provided the opportunity to review progress on all facets of the island's energy sector. Detailed reports on progress achieved in the hydrocarbon sector were made by Demetris Fessas of the Cyprus Hydrocarbon Company, by Dr.Ioannis Bassias of the Hellenic Hydrocarbon Research and Management company and by Varnavas Theodosiouof Exxon Mobil Cyprus

Dr.Konstantinos Nicolaou presented Energean's detailed plan to bring gas to Cyprus from the North KarishField ,in Israeli waters, to Vasilikos in Cyprus. Energean recently applied to Cypriot authorities to pipe natural gas to the island, promising the gas could flow as early as 2021- faster than government plans to import natural gas (LNG)

Another key area which was examined in this year 's Energy Symposium was the electricity sector in view of the increasingly important role that solar and wind energy now play in the island's energy mix and the liberalization of the local electricity market in line with EU commitments. Relevant to that is the drive now being made both by government and private entities to step up efforts to introduce on a wide scale energy efficiency solutions in the built environment and transportation.

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COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE