Tehran and Belgrade Were Important Destinations in Latest Regional Tour by IENE’s Executive Director

Tehran and Belgrade Were Important Destinations in Latest Regional Tour by IENE’s Executive DirectorSince early October, IENE’s Executive Director Mr. Costis Stambolis visited Iran and Serbia as part of the Institute’s ever evolving regional outreach. While on a visit to Tehran between October 4 and 8, in order to meet senior executives from NIOC and other key energy companies he participated in a special workshop organised by Dr. Abbas Maleki, Associate Professor of Energy Policy at the Sharif University of Technology in Tehran

Since early October, IENE’s Executive Director Mr. Costis Stambolis visited Iran and Serbia as part of the Institute’s ever evolving regional outreach. While on a visit to Tehran between October 4 and 8, in order to meet senior executives from NIOC and other key energy companies he participated in a special workshop organised by Dr. Abbas Maleki, Associate Professor of Energy Policy at the Sharif University of Technology in Tehran. The workshop was attended by a select group of post graduate students and following Mr. Stambolis presentation a lively discussion took place. In his presentation, IENE’s Executive Director focused on Europe’s Energy dilemma and the role of Iran, as he covered both oil and gas related issues. This discussion will continue with Professor Maleki’s forthcoming visit to Greece to participate, upon IENE’s invitation, in the 20th National Energy Conference, "Energy & Development 2015”, scheduled to take place on November 11 and 12 in Athens.

Later in the month Costis Stambolis participated as an invited keynote speaker in the "8th Balkan Energy Finance Forum 2015” which took place in Belgrade on October 20 and 21. The theme of his presentation was "The Critical Role of Gas Storage and LNG in SE Europe’s Energy Market”. Gas storage and LNG were examined as part of the broader European gas outlook and in light of EC’s latest public consultation on these issues. While in Belgrade, IENE’s Executive Director had the opportunity to meet with senior executives of EPS, the electricity company, NIS the oil and refinery group, and AERS, the energy market regulator, all long standing members of the Institute.

EVENTS 15th South East Europe Energy Dialogue 3rd Tirana Energy Forum 1st Greek-Turkish Energy Forum Decarbonization Policies in South East Europe – between climate change and war


PUBLICATIONS The Greek Energy Sector 2023 South East Europe Energy Outlook 2021/2022 Long-Term Gas Contracting Terms, definitions, pricing - Therory and practice More

COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE