TAP Introduces First Natural Gas into Albanian Section

Friday, 22 May 2020

On 20 May, the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) AG started to introduce the first natural gas into a 4 km section of the pipeline in Albania, between the Greek – Albanian border and up to the TAP metering station in Bilisht.

In line with national and international safety and operational standards, this is the initial stage of the pipeline testing process, which aims to ensure that the infrastructure is entirely safe and ready for operations. Following the commissioning of this first section, gas will continue to be gradually introduced into other sections of the Albanian pipeline and beyond in the upcoming weeks and months.

The contribution and collaboration of all people carrying out activities in the vicinity of the TAP pipeline is necessary. Therefore, anyone planning work close to the pipeline and/or its facilities is kindly requested to follow the guidelines for safe activities close to the pipeline, available on TAP’s website or refer to the communication materials distributed and broadcasted.

To maintain the integrity and safety of the pipeline during both commissioning and operations phases, TAP will use 24/7 monitoring methods and conduct regular patrols.

Safety is TAP’s core value, and TAP continues to implement a wide range of initiatives to protect people, communities and the environment.

(worldpipelines.com, May 22, 2020)

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