Support for Shale Fracking Drops in UK

Support for fracking, the process of pumping pressurized water and chemicals into the earth to extract shale oil and gas, dropped to 16 percent in the U.K. from 21 percent a year ago, the U.K. government's data showed on Thursday.

The government's latest Energy and Climate Change Public Attitudes Tracker revealed that 33 percent of the public opposes fracking.

At 68 percent, the most common reason for opposing fracking was the loss or destruction of the natural environment.

Other commonly cited reasons included the risk of contamination to water supply at 25 percent, while 25 percent also consider that fracking is generally not a safe process, 23 percent regard that there is too much risk or uncertainty to support it and 20 percent believe that there is a risk of earthquakes.

The tracker showed levels of concern in relation to the U.K.’s future energy security at 64 percent.

In the U.K. 20 percent were worried over paying energy bills, according to the data.

The level of worry was lowest among those with household incomes over £50,000, at 12 percent, and was highest among social renters at 27 percent.

Seventy seven percent of participants in the tracker said they supported the use of renewables.

Support for the use of nuclear energy reached 35 percent compared with 21 percent who opposed it.

(Anadolu Agency)

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