Senior Executives from European Energy Organizations to Participate in IENE’s «Energy and Development 2014» Conference

Senior Executives from European Energy Organizations to Participate in IENE’s «Energy and Development 2014» ConferenceSenior executives from prominent European energy organizations and institutes in the field of energy, will provide the international perspective in this year’s “Energy and Development” Conference, which is organized by IENE in Athens, on November 11-12, 2014

Senior executives from prominent European energy organizations and institutes in the field of energy, will provide the international perspective in this year’s "Energy and Development” Conference, which is organized by IENE in Athens, on November 11-12, 2014. Focusing on "Greece’s Energy Future in a Constantly Changing International Environment”, IENE’s 19th National Energy Conference will cover geopolitics, sustainability, energy security and related economic development in Greece and its broader region.

The conference once again is being held under the auspices of the Hellenic Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change and will open with an address by Minister Mr. Yannis Maniatis. Dr. Nikos Vasilakos, Chairman of the Regulatory Energy Authority (RAE) of Greece, will follow as the keynote speaker of the event.

Latest energy developments in Greece and their relationship to SE Europe and neighbouring countries will form the background for presentations and discussions that will take place during the "Energy and Development 2014” conference. Dr. Oliver Koch (Deputy Head of Unit, DG Energy, European Commission ,Brussels), Mrs. Beate Raabe (Secretary General, Eurogas, Brussels), Ambassador Jan-Meinte Postma (Special Envoy of the Secretary General, Energy Charter, Brussels), Mr. Jan Van Aken (Secretary General, EFET), Mr. Chris Beddoes (Secretary General, Fuels Europe, Europe, Brussels), Mr.Simon Uzunov (Head of Electric Unit, Energy Community, Vienna), Mr. Jan Ingwersen (Business Area Manager, Markets, ENTSO-G), Mr. Dan Staniaszek (Senior Expert, Buildings Performance Institute Europe - BPIE, Brussels), are some of the senior executives of European organizations who will participate and speak during the conference.

Experts and professionals of international esteem, such as Dr. Leo Drollas (independent consultant, UK) and Mr. Solon Kassinis, (founder and Managing Director of Kassinis International Consulting Ltd and former Vice President of KRETYK, Cyprus) will be among the speakers. High-ranking representatives of Greece’s energy sector, including Mr. Spyros Paleoyianis (CEO, Public Gas Corporation of Greece – DEPA and Member of IENE's Board of Directors, Greece), Prof. Pantelis Capros (Chairman of IENE’s Scientific Committee and Director of E3MLab, NTUA, Greece), Mr. John Kostopoulos (Managing Director, Hellenic Petroleum S.A, Greece), Mr. Konstantinos Kouklelis (Chairman, Hellenic Union of Industrial Consumers of Energy - UNICEN) and Mr. Mathios Rigas (Chairman and CEO , Energean Oil & Gas Co.,Greece) will actively participate in this year’s "Energy and Development” conference.

For further information about the conference and in order to view the programme, please visit

The conference’s sessions will focus on the following subjects:

·The Changing International Energy Environment and the New Challenges

·The Geopolitical Dimension of Energy and the Role of Greece in EU’s Security of Energy Supply

·Trends in the European Electricity Sector and the Outlook of Greece’s Electricity Market

·A Strategy for RES Development and the Emphasis on Energy Efficiency

·The key role of natural gas in Europe’s energy markets, the SE European region and the role of Greece

·Latest developments in Oil & Gas Exploration and Production in Greece and the East Mediterranean

The "Energy & Development 2014” conference will take place at the "Eugenides Foundation” conference facilities in Faliron, a short distance from the center of Athens (387, Syngrou Av., 175 64, Athens).

The main sponsors of the 19th Annual National Conference "Energy & Development 2014” include Greece’s Public Gas Corporation S.A. (DEPA S.A.) and Kyriakides Georgopoulos Law Firm (KG Law Firm, Greece). Hellenic Petroleum S.A., Energean Oil and Gas Co. and TERNA Energy SA are among the conference’s supporters. The "Kathimerini” newspaper, SEE News and, as well as the Hellenic Wind Energy Association (ELETAEN), are the conference’s media partners.

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