Scottishpower Approved for 1.2 GW Offshore Wind Project

ScottishPower Renewables received planning approval from the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy for its 1.2-gigawatt offshore wind farm off the coast of Norfolk on Monday.

The wind farm can produce enough electricity to power the annual demands of nearly one million homes.

Offshore wind farm developers are required to enter pre-qualified projects into a Contracts for Difference auction process in the U.K., where the most economic projects are selected to receive a contract.

If successful in future auctions, ScottishPower Renewables aims to start construction around 2022 and be project ready by 2025.

The company is developing four projects in total, East Anglia ONE, ONE NORTH, TWO and THREE, in the East Anglia area, with a capacity of 3.5 gigawatts.

ScottishPower Renewables is currently constructing the 714-megawatt East Anglia ONE Offshore project due to be fully operational in 2020.

(Anadolu Agency)

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