United Nations Security Council's sanctions on Iran will not return, according to Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammed Zarif on Tuesday.
Zarif responded to Iran's parliament speaker Ali Larijani's question on the recently concluded nuclear agreement during a panel discussion in parliament and said that UN sanctions will not revert back.
"The deal is valid for a maximum of 10 years and after that the UN Security Council's observance of Tehran's nuclear program will be ended," he said.
Larijani clarified toZarif that a clause in the agreement stating that sanctions, will be 'suspended' is a translation mistake.
"There is a translation mistake. The sanctions won't be suspended, they will be removed," Zarif said.
Iran and the P5+1 group ofcountries— China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States and Germany—signed a final agreement in Vienna lastTuesday, bringing to a close nearly two years of contentious talks that focused on providing Tehran with dire needed sanctions relief in return for unprecedented curbs and inspections on itsnuclearprogram.
The resolution of the UN Security Council's sanctionswaswritten in Vienna as a part of July 14 agreement, in which Iran's nuclear facilities will be limited and inspected for the next 10 years.
The UN Security Council resolution covers just UN sanctions, not the U.S. and EU sanctions.
The U.S. and EU sanctions will be lifted after the International Atomic Energy Agency's verification that Iran is in compliance with the agreement.
(Anadolu Agency)