RWE Commissions 16 MW Hungarian Solar Park

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

RWE, a German clean energy developer, has successfully commissioned a 16 MW solar PV plant in Hungary.

Planning of the solar array first began in early 2013 and this week the plant was finally completed after just three months of construction, becoming in the process the largest PV farm in the country.

Comprising 72,480 solar modules, the array is located on a former sludge basin near the town of Visonta, some 2 km northeast of Budapest, the Hungarian capital. The solar plant will produce enough clean energy to mitigate the effects of 24,000 tonnes of C02 annually.

"This PV park is not just the largest in Hungary, it is also one of RWE’s largest,"said Peter Terium, RWE AG CEO. The development was implemented in collaboration with companies from Austria, Romania and locally within Hungary.

Adding 16 MW to the national grid, the solar farm will deliver a significant boost to Hungary’s renewable footprint, which currently enjoys 6.8% penetration of the nation’s gross power consumption. The Hungarian government has set a target of increasing that share to around 11% by 2020. At the end of 2014, Hungary had a modest 80 MW of cumulative solar PV capacity installed.

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