Russia’s Daily Oil Production Amounts to 11.205 Mln Barrels in November

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Russia’s average crude oil production amounted to 11.205 mln barrels per day in November (from 1 to 23), Deputy Energy Minister Kirill Molodtsov said Wednesday, adding that the production level has almost not changed compared with October.

"From 1 to 23 November the average daily production amountedto 11.205 (mln barrels per day - TASS)," he said.

In 2015, Russia’s average daily production amounted to 10.726 mln barrels of oil and gas condensate. Last year’s total oil output equaled 534 mln tonnes, a 1.4% increase compared with 2014.

In October 2016, Russia’s average daily oil production exceeded 11.2 mln barrels, marking a new historic high for the past 25 years.


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