Romanian fuel distributor Rompetrol Downstream, part of Kazakh group KMG International, opened a new fuel supply station in Bucharest on July 6, following a USD 1.3 million investment.
It plans to open a total of 11 gas stations this year and about 19-20 stations in 2016, after inaugurating just one new unit in 2014. The investment budget is USD 18 million in 2015 and USD 20 million in 2016.
"The opening of the new gas stations fits into KMG International Group’s strategy to extend its retail network on the local and regional market,” said Azamat Zhangulov, Senior Vice President KMG International.
The group now owns 133 gas stations in Romania, most of which have been modernized and rebranded with the company’s new visual identity signs. Rompetrol’s fuel distribution network in Romania includes 750 gas stations, most of which are partner stations.
KMG International carries out its retail activities in over 1,100 distribution fuel in Romania, Georgia, Bulgaria, Moldova, Ukraine, France, and Spain.