Romanian Transport Minister Wants Video Monitoring of All Road Construction Sites

Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Romanian transport minister Razvan Cuc said during a working visit on the Lugoj-Deva highway site that he requested the video monitoring of "all road construction sites in the country,” so that he canwatch the progress of the works, reports local

He decided to make this request because he was "a little dissatisfied” with the progress of some works.

"I visited the lots II, III and IV. I had talks with all entrepreneurs. I was a little dissatisfied with the progress of the works on a particular section, meaning that I would have liked a much better mobilization, and that’s what I requested fromthe constructor,” the minister said.

"I will do the monitoring myself, but it will also be done by Timisoara Regional Directorate of Roads and Bridges. I also requested a video monitoring made by CNAIR (e.n. Romania’s National Roads Company), which would target all road construction sites in the country. I told the builders that I would not tolerate delays.”

Razvan Cuc added that his complaints are related to the work carried out on the third section of the highway linking Deva to Lugoj. He also said that he plans to make public a ranking of companies working on the roads in Romania.

According to Cuc, CNAIR teams will make unannounced visits on the sites, to check both the deadlines and the quality of work.

Data the National Statistics Institute (INS) published on Tuesday revealedthat Romania had 86,080 km of public roads at the end of 2016,namely 17,612 km of national roads (20.5%), 35,361 km of county roads (41.1%), and 33,107 km of local roads (38.4%). The highway network stood at 747 km last year, representing only 4.2% of the national roads.

(, 25 Apr 2017)

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