Romania Has Filled Only 42% of Its Gas Storage Deposits Ahead of Critical Winter Season

Romania has filled just over 40% of its natural gas storage deposits, despite the broad concerns related to the disruption in the supply of Russian natural gas during the coming winter season, Ziarul Financiar daily announced, adding that Poland, for instance, has already filled its deposits.

Romania, the second-largest natural gas producer in the European Union, has a relatively small underground storage capacity of about 3 billion cubic meters.

With one of the most difficult winters on the horizon, the timely filing of underground depots is a safety net in the context of the war in Ukraine.

"We will store more gas this year. We are cautious," assures Volker Raffel, CEO of E.ON Romania, a business focused on the supply and distribution of energy and natural gas.

"Price volatility will remain constant. Thus, the role of natural gas storage will be increasingly important," said Eric Stab, president and CEO of ENGIE Romania, the largest local natural gas distribution company.

At the moment, however, Romania's underground deposits are only about 42% full, with the EU average being 58%. Poland, for example, already stored 97% of its maximum capacity.

Romania aims to reach a filling rate of only 80% by November.

(, 1 July, 2022)

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