Renault Group Hires 300 People in Romania

French car manufacturer Renault wants to hire 300 people in Romania, according to an announcement the company made on Friday.

It needs people in the research & development sector, business services, manufacturing, procurement and finance department.

The company’s H&R team took part at the Bucharest career fair Angajatori de Top (Top Employers) at the end of last week. Candidates had the possibility to have a first interview with the company’s specialists. The jobs are available in Bucharest, Titu and Mioveni.

"The vehicles of the future will be hybrid, electric, connected and autonomous. This means new challenges in a highly competitive industry. In recent years, our company has attracted hundreds of young people, future engineers,” Pascal Candau, who leads the Renault Technologie Roumanie engineering center, said on Friday.

The Renault group recorded a turnover of over EUR 5 billion in Romania last year. It had 16,700 employees, most of whom worked at the Automobile Dacia car plant in Mioveni.


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