Record High Electricity Consumption Reached This Summer – Hungary

Thursday, 05 October 2017

According to the data published by the Hungarian electricity transmission system operator MAVIR, electricity consumption during this summer (between June and August) reached a historical record high. In the June-August 2017 period, electricity consumption was 3.17 % higher compared to the same period last year. Electricity demand was highest in August, when consumption reached 3,743 GWh, which is 7 % more than in August 2016.

Despite the extended period of extremely high temperatures, the supply of electricity in Hugary was uninterrupted across the country, due to carefully scheduled maintenance of the transmission and distribution networks in the country and in the region, said the statement from MAVIR.

Gross electricity consumption in Hungary increased by 3 % reaching a total of 11.76 TWh in the first quarter of 2017, compared to the same period last year. in March, MAVIR reported that Hungary’s electricity consumption has hit a new record in 2016/17 winter season due to unusually cold weather. The data shows that electricity consumption during 2016/17 winter season was by almost 500 GWh or 5.3 % higher compared to 2015/16 season, reaching total consumption of 11,914 GWh (11,433 GWh in 2015/16). The increase in consumption was especially significant during January 2017, which amounted to 4,271 GWh or 6.9 % more than in the same month a year earlier (3,995 GWh).

(, 3 October 2017)

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