5. Energy Efficiency, EV, heating and Energy Poverty in SE Europe

Improving Energy Efficiency in SE Europe is gaining traction and has risen at the top of the action scale of the urgent measures that need to be taken in order to lower greenhouse gas emissions

Improving Energy Efficiency in SE Europe is gaining traction and has risen at the top of the action scale of the urgent measures that need to be taken in order to lower greenhouse gas emissions. Most relevant with the scope of Energy Efficiency is its introduction and wide scale use in order to alleviate energy poverty, which affects a large segment of energy consumers across SE Europe and has lately become an acute social issue. A central part of the programme is the collection and processing of data on energy poverty for all countries in SE Europe, as it helps understand and identify the problems involved.

In addition to these monitoring activities, IENE is moving a step further with the undertaking of a Field Programme as part of its overall effort to address energy poverty in the SEE region. The preparation and implementation of a series of pilot projects – focusing on Greece, Albania, Romania, Bulgaria and Serbia – will constitute part of a multi layered Field Programme, currently under development. The aim will be to make use of established technologies and low-cost techniques for both renewable energy applications and energy efficiency improvement of buildings and other human settlements at domestic and community level (e.g. schools, medical centers, sport centers).

The implementation of such works will be possible through the financing by member companies of IENE and by donor organizations as well as through contributions of materials, systems and know-how by individual companies. After completion of the above pilot projects, the results will be widely disseminated so that there will be an interest for their replication by local communities and citizen groups.