Presentation of IENE’s “SEE Energy Outlook” Flagship Report in Belgrade Crowned with Success

Presentation of IENE’s “SEE Energy Outlook” Flagship Report in Belgrade Crowned with SuccessIn a well organised event held in association with Serbia’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry last Wednesday (11/5) in Belgrade, the Institute presented its flagship publication, the “SEE Energy Outlook 2012/2022” to a packed audience. More than 100 energy professionals and senior executives from Serbia’s buoyant energy sector participated in this two and a half hour event which was sponsored by SEEPEX, Serbia’s South East European Power Exchange.

In a well organised event held in association with Serbia’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry last Wednesday (11/5) in Belgrade, the Institute presented its flagship publication, the “SEE Energy Outlook 2012/2022” to a packed audience. More than 100 energy professionals and senior executives from Serbia’s buoyant energy sector participated in this two and a half hour event which was sponsored by SEEPEX, Serbia’s South East European Power Exchange.

In addition to the two major presentations which covered the Outlook and were delivered by the chairman of IENE Mr. Costis Stambolis and the Secretary General Mr. Costas Theofylactos, there were other important inputs from a number of Serbian executives and experts. The event was opened by Mihailo Mihailovic, the Institute’s partner in Serbia who was primarily responsible for organising the event in Belgrade. In his opening remarks Mihailo stressed the relevance of the ‘Outlook’ report with what was actually happening in the energy markets today and how SE Europe was fully involved in the greater geopolitical game in progress. In this respect, underlined Mr. Mihailovic, Serbia is playing key role as it is located in the very centre of the region and exerts considerable influence in surrounding countries. Mr. Mihailovitch also referred to IENE’s key role as an important provider of objective information and analysis on the region’s dynamic energy sector.

Other speakers at IENE’s Belgrade event included Professor Dragan Simeunovic, of the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Belgrade, Mr. Milos Mladenovic, the CEO of SEEPEX and Mr. Miroslav Lutovac senior adviser on energy to the chairman of Serbia’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Professor Simeunovic, who is also heading Serbia’s National Security Academy, in his address he stressed the particular circumstances of Serbia in terms of security and energy security in particular and provided a useful historical background. From his part Mr. Lutovac underlined the important role of the energy industry in Serbia’s economic and social development while Mr. Mladenovic described briefly the crucial role that SEEPEX is playing in the region’s electricity markets and outlined plans for expansion of the Exchange’s activities.

A lively question and answer session followed the presentation of the Outlook while the event closed with a cocktail reception hosted by the Chamber and IENE. The full presentations of the Outlook will shortly become available through IENE’s web site (

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COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE