Participation of IENE’s Executive Director at Latest ICC Environment and Energy Commission Meeting

Participation of IENE’s Executive Director at Latest ICC Environment and Energy Commission MeetingIENE’s Executive Director, Mr. Costis Stambolis, participated in the latest meeting of the “Commission on Environment and Energy” of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) which was held in Paris, at ICC headquarters, on March 30-31

IENE’s Executive Director, Mr. Costis Stambolis, participated in the latest meeting of the "Commission on Environment and Energy” of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) which was held in Paris, at ICC headquarters, on March 30-31. The Executive Director of IENE joined the Commission as a member following an invitation by Mr. Nicholas Vernicos, Chairman of ICC National Committee in Greece. The Environment and Energy Commission is the official advisory organ of ICC and covers most issues in the broad energy field and the environment. The commission members between them cover a wide range of disciplines and are seconded by ICC National Committees and affiliated organizations.

In its latest meeting in Paris on March 30-31 the Commission focused on the forthcoming UN organised UNFCCC-COP21 conference to be held in Paris next December which will aim to reach a binding agreement on greenhouse gas emission targets. Issues such as the increasingly important role of energy efficiency, RES penetration in the electricity grid and the need to maintain biodiversity were discussed with specialist presentations by Commission members. The Commission also reviewed Climate Change policy priorities, Business Engagement towards COP 21, ICC’s UNFCCC COP 21 advocacy strategy and the updating of ICC’s Charter for Sustainable Development implementation. Finally a briefing was made by ICC secretariat on related intergovernmental processes (i.e. Green Economy Roadmap condition 9 and 10: collaboration and governance).

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) is the largest, most representative business organization in the world, with hundreds of thousands of member companies in over 180 countries covering every sector of private enterprise. ICC’s main activities include rule setting, dispute resolution and policy advocacy. ICC ( keeps the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, and many other intergovernmental bodies, both international and regional, in touch with the views of international business. ICC was the first organization granted general consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council.

ICC is authorized to make rules that govern the conduct of business across borders. However voluntary, these rules are observed in countless thousands of transactions every day and have become part of international trade.

A world network of national committees in over 90 countries advocates business priorities at national and regional level. More than 2,000 experts drawn from ICC’s member companies feed their knowledge and experience into crafting the ICC stance on specific business issues.

ICC Greece (, ICC’s National Committee in Greece, is chaired by Mr. Nicolas A. Vernicos, President of the VERNICOS MARITIME.

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