Obama Targets 1 GW of Solar for Lower Income Homes by 2020

The Obama Administration announced on Tuesday it has partnered with six federal agencies to pursue a new catalytic goal to deploy 1 GW of solar power systems for low- and moderate- income families by 2020.

The new objective is a tenfold increase of the president’s initial target set in his Climate Action Plan to install 100 MW of renewable energy on federally-assisted affordable housing by the end of the decade.

The administration has formed a cross government partnership, called the Clean Energy Savings For All Initiative, with the Department of Energy (DOE), Housing (HUD), Agriculture (USDA), Health and Human Services (HHS), Veteran’s Affairs (VA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The idea is to achieve the new goal by promoting new financing mechanisms, providing technical assistance for states and communities, scaling up workforce training, convening stakeholders and collaborating with the private and philanthropic sectors.

According to a government statement, over 120 housing authorities, rural electric co-ops, power companies, and organisations in more than 36 states have pledged to invest USD 287 million (EUR 261m) and implement over 280 MW of solar projects.


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