‘Nuclear War May Break Out at Any Moment’

North Korean Deputy Ambassador Kim In Ryongtold the United Nations General Assembly’s disarmament committee on October 16 that the situation in the Korean Peninsula "has reached a touch-and-go-point and nuclear war may break out at any moment”.

"The entire US mainland is within our firing range and if the US dares to invade our sacred territory even an inch it will not escape our severe punishment in any part of the globe,” he said.

As reported by Deutsche Welle (DW), Germany’s international broadcaster, North Korea (despite exaggerating both the power and range of its nuclear arsenal) has performed six nuclear tests since 2006 and its ballistic missiles are believed to reach the US territory of Guam.

International efforts by the US, the EU, Russia and Pyongyang’s closest ally China have yielded no progress in halting the country’s nuclear arms programme.

While Kim In Ryong said his country supports "the total elimination of nuclear weapons” globally, he warned that North Korea cannot disarm because the United States "constantly threatens and blackmails [Pyongyang] with nuclear weapons”.


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