New Energy Strategy in Romania: Nuclear Energy’s Share Will Double By 2030

Romania’s Energy Ministry has launched into public debate the project on Romania’s energy strategy for 2016-2030.

The country will be trying to reduce the share of coal energy and natural gas in the energy mix. Meanwhile, the contribution of nuclear energy will double, following the construction of the reactors 3,4 of the Cernavoda power plant, according to the document, reports local

The energy from renewable sources has no support scheme starting next year. This means that the investments in wind, solar or biomass energy projects will be uncertain during the 2017-2020 period. After 2020, the investments in renewable energy can resume, but at a slower pace.

The price of electricity will increase by about 30% during this period for industrial consumers, from EUR 67/MWh in 2015 up to EUR 81/MWh in 2020, EUR 87/MWh in 2025 and EUR 90 /MWh in 2030.

The electricity price for household consumers will also go up by 50% during this period, from EUR 127 /MWh in 2015 to EUR 154 /MWh in 2020, EUR 175 /MWh in 2025 and EUR 195 /Mwh in 2030.

The document estimates that the gross energy consumption will reach 394 TWh in 2030, up 4%.

(, 16 Nov., 2016)


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