Stefan Rinck was elected as Conference General Chairman following nomination and voting process of the EU PVSEC ISAC - International Scientific Advisory Committee. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Rinck is the Chief Executive Officer of SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES, Member of the Main Executive Board VDMA, and Chairman of the Committee for Research and Innovation. This the Chairman's Message to the EU PVSEC 2015 Conference:
"Dear Member of the Global PV Community,
It is my great pleasure to invite you to Europe's most important event in Photovoltaic solar energy which will be held in 2015 in Hamburg, Germany. The last year has seen a lot of progress in PV deployment worldwide.
In Europe the good news is that we've now already passed the 88 GW the Member States originally committed to do by 2020. So the question is how much more can we bring into the system, looking not just at 2020 but beyond to 2030. R&D has a big role to play in this and we expect during the EU PVSEC 2015 many presentations addressing the science and technology developments needed to further increase the competiveness.
At the same time we can't hide our concern regarding Europe's future market share in PV products. In photovoltaic research and development Europe has still a leading role. In the industrial implementation Europe should achieve this position again.
Here the timing of the 31th EU PVSEC coincides with a year where the European Commission plans new growth initiatives in key energy technologies.Innovation will always be at the heart of efficient and competitive manufacturing. I hope we all can provide ideas and solutions on this, as well on the whole range of factors that determine PV's future share of the energy supply system. How and where will large arrays with more than 100 MW be deployed? How can the market for building and infrastructrure integrated products really take off? How best to move PV economics move beyond the grid parity concept? Can concentrating PV systems compete with solar thermodynamic plants? What developments can be expected in other regions of the world, notably in China, in the US and in Africa?
You will agree that there are exciting times ahead and the 31th EU PVSEC will surely provide more insight. The EU PVSEC 2015 will be again the platform between the global PV industry and international R & D specialists to discuss the latest developments and innovations in PV. The exhibition will again be the showroom of the international PV community and for you the occasion to network and check out products, equipment and new materials. Certain aspects of PV deployment will be deepened in special parallel events, offering also some surprises.
I welcome you soon in Hamburg!
Dr.-Ing. Stefan Rinck"
The EU PVSEC 2015 (Conference: 14-18 Sept., Exhibition: 15-17 Sept.) is taking place in Hamburg, Germany.