Latest IENE Geopolitics Bulletin provides unique insight on latest global and regional moves

Latest IENE Geopolitics Bulletin provides unique insight on latest global and regional movesJust before Christmas “Geopolitics Bulletin” No. 23 was released by IENE and forms part of the regular information feed which the Institute sends to all its members. The Bulletin, which covers developments during the last quarter of 2021, focuses on a number of key issues which affect,and to a large extent,shape energy trends.

Just before Christmas “Geopolitics Bulletin” No. 23 was released by IENE and forms part of the regular information feed which the Institute sends to all its members. The Bulletin, which covers developments during the last quarter of 2021, focuses on a number of key issues which affect,and to a large extent,shape energy trends. In this context the Omicron mutation of the coronavirus pandemic which now runs rampart is an issue discussed in some length as it poses a serious threat to global economic recovery and energy demand.

Another hot topic is the ongoing talks in Vienna between the government of Iran and representatives of the JCPOA agreement (China, France,Russia,UK, USA and Germany) concerning curtailment of Tehran’s nuclear weapons programme which has apparently entered a crucial stage with negotiations culminating in a delicate act of showmanship between Iran and USA. Especially since the USA is in the defendant’s seat following its unilateral and abrupt departure from the deal in May 2018 and the imposition hence of harsh sanctions against Iran. Libya’s, now postponed, elections is another issue of great regional significance as it would have signified a return to normality following a decade of conflict. The present set back is indicative of the huge difficulties facing the current political process.

Developments in Europe appear to have monopolised the rest of the Bulletin with the German coalition and the new government’s policy priorities, including energy transition, high on the agenda. The Nord Stream 2 regulatory impasse and the role of gas as an issue of contention between Europe,USA and Russia over Ukraine is also analysed in some length. A number of other topics are also examined in some detail including Greece’s defence pact with France and its upgraded MDCA with the USA, the delay in EU accession talks with Northern Macedonia and Albania and Cyprus’s restart of hydrocarbon exploration activities in its EEZ with ExxonMobil taking the lead.

IENE’s Geopolitics Bulletin is edited by John Psaropoulos, an Athens based Foreign Press Correspondent and long time IENE Associate with content contributed by members of IENE’s Geopolitics Committee under the chairmanship of Christos Dimas.

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