Largest Romanian Power Producer Almost Doubles Gross Profit in September

The largest Romanian power producer Hidroelectrica posted a gross profit of EUR 20.6 million in September, almost double compared to the same month last year.

In total, the company’s profit in the first nine months of the year amounted to EUR 250.7 million, up 30% year-on-year.

In September, the electricity production of Hidroelectrica totaled 1.1 TWh. The production reached 13.14 TWh in the first nine months of the year, up from 12.49 TWh in the same period last year.

The results are even more significant considering the generalized decrease in the prices on the electrical energy market compared to 2015, according to companyrepresentatives.

On June 21, a Romanian court decided that Hidroelectrica could exit insolvency.

"The decision is not final, but it’s enforceable,” said Remus Borza, who has been the company’s judicial administrator..


EVENTS 15th South East Europe Energy Dialogue 3rd Tirana Energy Forum 1st Greek-Turkish Energy Forum Decarbonization Policies in South East Europe – between climate change and war


PUBLICATIONS The Greek Energy Sector 2023 South East Europe Energy Outlook 2021/2022 Long-Term Gas Contracting Terms, definitions, pricing - Therory and practice More

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