Israel to Built Country's Largest Solar Power Plant

Monday, 20 July 2015

Israel signed a deal to build a multi-megawatt, thermo-solar power plant together with its partner the Israeli global infrastructure group Shikun & Binui, according an announcementMonday.

The total investment of the project will be approximately $1 billion andand 110 MW Solar Thermal Electricity (STE) plant Ashalim will be able to store energy in order to produce electricity whenever required after sunset, according to the announcement.

It will be the largest solar plant in Israel and it will providea 4.5 hour thermal energy storage system using molten salts. The plant will produce clean and dispatchable energy to serve more than 69,000 households in Israel, while preventing the emission of 463,000 tons of CO2 annually.

"Ashalim power plant will supply clean electricity to the Israel Electricity Corporation under a 25-year power purchase agreement (PPA) signed in late 2013," report read.

Construction of Ashalim is expected to start before the end of July 2015 in Western Negev Desert in Israel, 35 km south of the city of Beer Sheva, close to the village of Ashalim, on an area designated by the Israeli authorities.

The project is expected to create an average workforce of 633 during construction, and about 60 people for plant operation and maintenance.

(Anadolu Agency)

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