Interest Grows Daily for IENE’s Annual «Energy Dialogue» Meeting in Thessaloniki on June 26-27

Interest Grows Daily for IENE’s Annual «Energy Dialogue» Meeting in Thessaloniki on June 26-27Several new speakers, panelists and moderators have confirmed their participation over the last few daysfor this year’s SE Europe Energy Dialogue. So far, a total of 36 speakers, panelists and moderators will travel to Thessaloniki next month (June 26/27) to take part in this unique event which was first launched in this port city of Northern Greece eleven years ago

Several new speakers, panelists and moderators have confirmed their participation over the last few daysfor this year’s SE Europe Energy Dialogue. So far, a total of 36 speakers, panelists and moderators will travel to Thessaloniki next month (June 26/27) to take part in this unique event which was first launched in this port city of Northern Greece eleven years ago. Apart from the participation of company executives from most of the leading energy groups in SE Europe, important global organizations including EBRD from London, Eurelectric from Brussels and IRENA from Abu Dhabi, have now confirmed their presence at the 11thSEEED. To view details of the Energy Dialogue visit

At the same time there is strong interest from many companies in the region to register executives and senior staff to attend as delegates this year’s Energy Dialogue.Underthe special theme of "Energy Market Transition and Energy Security in SE Europe”, which signifies the state of flux that characterises SE European energy markets today, and the emergence of energy security as a topic of prime importance for energy policy, this year’s SEEED will try to map out the prevailing trends and challenges facing the region and the energy industry at large.

Furthermore, the "SE Europe Energy Dialogue” gathering next June is highly topical given EU’s major drive to establish the "Energy Union” and the emphasis placed on energy security, and most importantly,in view of persisting regional instability. Europe's, and SE Europe’s in particular, high dependence on hydrocarbon imports, the current volatile energy pricing environment, the global concern for the development of viable alternatives and the need to promote further carbon free solutions emerge as key policy issues.

This year’s the "Energy Dialogue” will as usual cover also the latest developments in the region’s evolving natural gas, electricity and RES markets and SEE's ongoing energy partnerships with Russia, the Caspian Sea, the East Mediterranean and North Africa. Furthermore, IENE’s major review paper on "SE Europe’s Energy Transition”, will be presented as it will provide useful background material.

EVENTS 15th South East Europe Energy Dialogue 3rd Tirana Energy Forum 1st Greek-Turkish Energy Forum Decarbonization Policies in South East Europe – between climate change and war


PUBLICATIONS The Greek Energy Sector 2023 South East Europe Energy Outlook 2021/2022 Long-Term Gas Contracting Terms, definitions, pricing - Therory and practice More

COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE