IENE’s Monthly Analysis Examines Azerbaijan’s Gas Exports to Europe With Reference to Greece

IENE’s Monthly Analysis Examines Azerbaijan’s Gas Exports to Europe With Reference to GreeceThe Monthly Analysis for January, which forms part of IENE’s South East Europe Energy Brief, and was sent to the Institute’s members and associates last Friday, looks into the role of Greece in Azerbaijan’s plans to promote gas exports to Europe. This 7-page analysis, which includes a series of maps, supports the view that, through its new base in Greece, Socar, Azerbaijan’s state hydrocarbon company, can begin to play a far more influential role than so far appreciated, which will make it part of the European energy scene and further enhance its prospects as a global player

The Monthly Analysis for January, which forms part of IENE’s South East Europe Energy Brief, and was sent to the Institute’s members and associates last Friday, looks into the role of Greece in Azerbaijan’s plans to promote gas exports to Europe. This 7-page analysis, which includes a series of maps, supports the view that, through its new base in Greece, Socar, Azerbaijan’s state hydrocarbon company, can begin to play a far more influential role than so far appreciated, which will make it part of the European energy scene and further enhance its prospects as a global player.

Although Turkey´s role is key in Azerbaijan's gas exports drive to Europe, since a brand new gas pipeline known as TANAP will be built through its territory, to be largely financed by Socar. But Greece is the first EU country through which the TAP pipeline will go through to deliver gas to Albania and Italy. Greece which itself will obtain some 1.0 BCM'S of Azeri gas from TAP, in addition to the 0.75 it is already receiving via the existing Greek-Turkish interconnector, is significant because through its gas pipeline system and most importantly via the Greek-Bulgarian interconnector which will be operational by 2016,that is two years before TAP shall start delivering Azeri gas to Europe, will help route Caspian gas to the north Balkan region which has been traditionally relying almost 100% on Gazprom deliveries.

Socar recently bought 66% of DESFA, Greece’s Gas Transmission Operator, which was sold through the country’s privatization programme. Under SOCAR’s management, DESFA is expected to develop further its operations in SE Europe and beyond. Therefore in more ways than one Greece’s role could prove pivotal in enhancing Azerbaijan’s gas exports outreach to Europe.

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