IENE’s Major Study “SEE Energy Outlook 2022” Successfully Presented at the Polytechnic University of Tirana

IENE’s Major Study “SEE Energy Outlook 2022” Successfully Presented at the Polytechnic University of TiranaIENE’ flagship study, “SEE Energy Outlook 2022” (“SEEEO 2022”), was successfully presented during a special event which took place at the Polytechnic University of Tirana (UPT) on Tuesday, January 31. A select audience of over 75 people, comprising of energy professionals, academics, senior government officials, diplomats etc. gathered at the capital of Albania to attend this presentation, hosted by UPT and Sea Consulting, a well-known energy consulting firm based in Albania’s capital

IENE’ flagship study, “SEE Energy Outlook 2022” (“SEEEO 2022”), was successfully presented during a special event which took place at the Polytechnic University of Tirana (UPT) on Tuesday, January 31. A select audience of over 75 people, comprising of energy professionals, academics, senior government officials, diplomats etc. gathered at the capital of Albania to attend this presentation, hosted by UPT and Sea Consulting, a well-known energy consulting firm based in Albania’s capital and operating throughout SE Europe.

“SEE Energy Outlook 2022” was presented by Mr.Costis Stambolis (here), Chairman and Executive Director of the Institute of Energy for SE Europe (IENE) and Mr.Costas Theofylaktos (here), the Secretary General of the Institute. The event was launched by Prof. Andrea Maliqari, Dean of the Faculty of Geology and Mining at UPT, Mr. Shkelqim Bozgo, Managing Partner of Sea Consulting and Prof. Stavri Dhima, Energy and Risk Assessment Consultant and IENE’s Partner in Albania.

This special event concluded with a lively discussion with the audience, which, through its questions, showed its interest for IENE’s major study.

On the previous day, January 30, H.E. the Ambassador of Greece in Albania, Ms. Konstantina Kamitsi, hosted a cocktail reception at the Embassy, where IENE’s senior management had the opportunity to get in touch with Albanian and Greek businessmen active in the energy sector of this Balkan country.

Speaking during the reception, Greece’s Ambassador praised IENE’s work, which, she pointed out, is an excellent example of successful regional co-operation, especially between Greece and Albania.

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COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE