IENE's Latest Geopolitics Bulletin Focuses on the Role that Cyprus Can Play in EU's Security of Energy Supply

IENE's Latest Geopolitics Bulletin Focuses on the Role that Cyprus Can Play in EU's Security of Energy Supply

A special report on the key role that Cyprus can play in securing EU’s future energy supply Is the main feature of IENE's latest Geopolitics Bulletin (No. 30, February 2023), which the Institute has sent to Its members on February 17th. The analysis examines Cyprus’s growing hydrocarbon natural gas potential, which, combined with the production of other countries in the East Mediterranean, notably Israel and Egypt, can serve as an important alternative gas supplier to the EU, especially in the light of the geopolitical changes stemming from the Russian invasion in Ukraine.

The Bulletin also covers important news on global economy, the MENA region and Europe.  The possible repercussions of the recent earthquakes In Turkey for the country's political scenery, the latest developments on the war between Russia and Ukraine, IMF's estimates on Russia's economy, the ongoing political crisis In Israel, an evaluation of the viability of Greece’s and Cyprus’ gas extraction, as well as of the Turkish – Bulgaria LNG agreement, signed on early January, are only some of the developments covered in this issue of IENE’s Geopolitics Bulletin.

IENE’s focus on geopolitics is also attested by a number of other activities. On March 7 the Institute is organizing  a special Webinar on “The Geopolitics of Europe’s Energy Crisis” which will assess the truly dramatic changes which Russia’s invasion in Ukraine, one year ago, has brought about globally and especially in Europe. Then on March 21 IENE is convening the “5th Energy and Geopolitics Forum”, which will take place in Athens and will bring together prominent energy professionals, politicians, journalists and academics who will analyze the radical changes that the war in Ukraine has brought to the regional, European and global energy sector and their interconnection with the emerging geopolitical scene.

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COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE