IENE’s «Energy & Development 2012» Highlighted the Basic Priorities of the Greek Energy Market

IENE’s «Energy & Development 2012» Highlighted the Basic Priorities of the Greek Energy MarketThe basic parameters and issues of the current energy agenda in Greece were outlined during IENE’s 17th Annual National Conference «Energy & Development 2012», which took place in Athens on October, 30-31. The conference was organized under the auspices of Greece’s Ministry for Environment, Energy & Climate Change and focused on the «Geopolitical and Development Angle of Greece’s Energy System»

The basic parameters and issues of the current energy agenda in Greece were outlined during IENE’s 17th Annual National Conference «Energy & Development 2012», which took place in Athens on October, 30-31. The conference was organized under the auspices of Greece’s Ministry for Environment, Energy & Climate Change and focused on the «Geopolitical and Development Angle of Greece’s Energy System».

The invited speaker at the official conference luncheon, the Deputy Minister of Energy, Mr. Makis Papageorgiou, stressed the urgent need for overcoming the problems of the domestic electricity market stemming mainly from the fiscal deficit of the market operator (LAGHE S.A.).

IENE’s chairman Dr. John Desypris referred to the Institute’s role and consistent efforts in promoting energy dialogue both nationally and in the broader SE European region, whereas the Deputy Chairman and Executive Director Mr. Costis Stambolis highlighted the connection between energy and the overall development outlook of Greece, especially at this time of economic crisis.

Prof. Arthur Zervos, Chairman and CEO of Greece’s Public Power Corporation (PPC) stressed the importance of the latest decision of the General Court of the European Union, which, as he said, proves that there has not been an abuse of the dominant position in the country’s domestic market by the Corporation as a result of its extensive use of lignite. As a result, no EU competition law infringement exists anymore, and thus no remedy is needed. He further elaborated PPC’s position for retail prices to reflect the wholesale market ones, as well as the need for the system operator to abandon the cost recovery mechanism.

The liquidity of the energy market was also the subject of a speech by Mr. Harry Sachinis, chairman and CEO of Public Gas Corporation (DEPA), who stressed that ADMHE S.A. and LAGHE S.A. owe to private sector operators more than 400 million euros, and the latter owe DEPA S.A. approximately 350 million euros. "With natural gas fast becoming a fuel of choice in Greece’s energy market, it is of vital importance that DEPA maintains its position as a reliable natural gas provider”, Mr. Harry Sachinis said.

Mr. George Peristeris, Chairman of Greece’s Association of RES Electricity Producers stressed the necessity of distinguishing the costs involved in different RES technologies, whereas Mr. Dinos Benroubi, Managing Director of PROTERGIA S.A., Greece’s leading IPP, asked for the rationalisation of the feed-in tariff mechanism and a reduction in the costs for natural gas.

An in-depth analysis of Cyprus’ energy sector was made by Mr. George Shammas, Chairman, Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority (CERA) in his address to the conference, adding that the current EU Presidency, exercised by the Cypriot Government, has among its top priorities the finalization of the negotiations on energy infrastructure.

The critical changes which are currently underway in Greece’s energy legal and regulatory framework were the subject of a presentation by Ms Chrysoula Argyriou (DG Energy, European Commission, Brussels), followed by a lively panel discussion with the participation of high-ranking representatives of important energy groups in Greece, regulatory authorities and companies of the energy market, co-ordinated by Prof. Pantelis Kapros (NTUA & Chairman of IENE’s Scientific Committee). Dr. George Koutzoukos (Chairman, ADMIE S.A., Greece), Mr. Michael Philippou, (Operational Manager of Electricity Transactions, Operator of Electricity Market -LAGHE S.A.), Mr. Miltos Aslanoglou (Regulatory Energy Authority -RAE), Mr. Nikolaos Drosos (Hellenic Electricity Distribution Network Operator S.A - PPC), Dr. Nick Frydas (CEng MIEE, Head of Markets & Regulation Practice, Mott MacDonald LtD, U.K.), Dr.. Panagiotis Papastamatiou (Chairman, Hellenic Wind Energy Association- ELETAEN) and Mr. Kostas Kouklelis (Chairman, Hellenic Union of Industrial Consumers of Energy - UNICEN), etc. exchanged views on the problems and the prospects of the Greek electricity market. Several problematic areas were identified by the panel participants largely related to the excesses in the application of charges for the use of the national grid.

Dr. Solon Kassinis (Director of the Energy Service, Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism , Cyprus) urged Greece to follow the example of Cyprus and not to delay any further hydrocarbon exploration within its EEZ, speaking at the conference’s second day (October 31). From his part, the former Ministry of Energy and PASOK’s parliamentary leading deputy, Prof. Yannis Maniatis, underlined the importance of the Greek hydrocarbon potential for the welfare of the generations to come.

Dr. Constantinos Nikolaou (Petroleum Geologist, Managing Director, Kanergy and Member of IENE’s BoD) analyzed Greece’s geological profile, identified and described the country’s proven reserves, while stressing the need for immediate implementation of the EEZ. Prof. Sofia Stamataki of NTUA and advisor to the Greek Ministry of Environment and Energy, underlined the fact that the call for the seismic surveys in the Ionian Sea was concluded in an unprecedentedly short period for Greece, whereas Mr. Mathios Rigas, CEO of Energean Oil & Gas S.A., referred to the obstacles that investors of the oil sector in the country are currently facing. He also described the Prinos concession secondary deposits which still remain untapped.

His optimism for DESFA, the natural gas system operator, was expressed by Dr. George Paparsenos, CEO of the company, despite the negative effect of the energy market’s overall problems, while Mr. Constantinos Karayannakos, director of international affairs of DEPA S.A., described the most recent developments concerning the natural gas projects in SE Europe, emphasizing the prospects of the East Mediterranean gas corridor.

The regional developments and international trends of the global oil market were analyzed by a well-known analyst, Dr. Leo Drollas, Executive Director of the established Centre for Global Energy Studies (CGES). Mrs. Tereza Fokianou (Member of IENE’s BoD and President & CEO, Flow S.A), Mr. Ioannis Psichogios (CEO, ΕΚΟ ΑΒΕΕ - ΕΚ ΑΕΕ, Greece) and Mr. John Courouclis (Deputy Chairman &CEO, Elin Biofuels S.A.) referred to the prospects of the market, from the viewpoint of their companies.

Mr. George Dimitrakopoulos(international relations expert, former EP Vice President and former EU Parliament Member, Greece) and Mr. Rikard Scoufias (Country Manager for Greece, Trans Adriatic Pipeline -TAP) were among the speakers who referred to the major natural gas pipeline projects that are currently underway, whereas Prof. John Mazis (School of Philosophy, Department of Turkish and Modern Asian Studies, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens) described the geopolitical background of these projects, under the perspective of the current political developments in the Middle East and North Africa.

A discussion on the necessary steps towards the goals of 2020/ 2030 and the role of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency was the closing event of IENE’s «Energy & Development 2012» with the participation of Dr. Savvas Seimaiides (Vice President, EREF), Dr. John Kambouris (ADMIE S.A.), Prof. Constantine Papavasiliou (Director General, Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration - IGME), Dr. Christos Protogeropoulos (Executive Director, Phoenix Solar A.E.), Dr. William Vikatos (Head of Wind Power, Greece, Siemens A.E.), Mr. Christos Ghionis (International Business Development Manager, Greece, TERNA A.E.), Mrs. Miriam Rodriguez—Ruiz (Wind Business Development Director, Rokas Renewables-Iberdrola), Mr. George Kamaras (CEO, Helesco S.A.), Mr. Hilias Karydogiannis, (Chairman, EnSCO) and Mr. George Kottaras (Regional Head, Control and Systems, Siemens A.E.).

The sponsors of the 17th Annual National Conference «Energy & Development 2012» included Greece’s Public Gas Corporation S.A. (DEPA S.A.), Hellenic Petroleum S.A., Protergia SA of Mytilineos Group, TERNA Energy and EnSCO, whereas UNICEN (Hellenic Union of Industrial Consumers of Energy), the KDGI Legal Company and Norton Rose Law Offices, as well as Siemens were the conference’s main supporters. Greece’s leading daily «Kathimerini» and, Greece’s foremost energy portal, were the conference’s official media partners.

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