IENE’s Annual «Energy & Development» Conference Attracted Record Registrations With IEA Presenting Its World Energy Outlook 2017

IENE’s Annual «Energy & Development» Conference Attracted Record Registrations With IEA Presenting Its World Energy Outlook 2017Focusing on "Energy Markets in Transition”, this year’s IENE’s annual national "Energy and Development” conference, took place in Athens on November 23-24, and was held, as usual, at the conference centre of the Eugenides Foundation. "Energy and Development 2017”, which was organized under the auspices of Greece’s Ministry of Environment and Energy, sought to underline the major changes already taking place in the shaping of the energy mix at both national, regional and global level

Focusing on "Energy Markets in Transition”, this year’s IENE’s annual national "Energy and Development” conference, took place in Athens on November 23-24, and was held, as usual, at the conference centre of the Eugenides Foundation. "Energy and Development 2017”, which was organized under the auspices of Greece’s Ministry of Environment and Energy, sought to underline the major changes already taking place in the shaping of the energy mix at both national, regional and global level.

The conference was attended by senior executives, scientists, engineers and energy professionals from major Greek energy-related companies and policy-makers, as well as by representatives from various leading European energy and industry groups and international organizations. The conference attracted strong support from industry with a wide range of companies from electricity, oil and gas and renewable sponsoring this major event.

The conference started with an opening address by IENE’ Chairman Mr. John Chadjivassiliades while IENE’s Executive Director Mr. Costis Stambolis along with Prof. Pantelis Capros, the Institute’s Scientific Council Chairman, contributed opening remarks. Among the keynote speakers of the conference were Mr. George Stathakis, Greece’s Minister for Environment and Energy, Dr. Athanasios Dokos, General Manager, Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy, Mr. Manolis Panagiotakis, Chairman and CEO, Public Power Corporation (PPC), Mr. Eustathios Tsotsoros, Chairman, Hellenic Petroleum (HELPE), Mr. Michalis Filippou, Chairman and CEO, Hellenic Electricity Market Operator (HEMO), Mr. Manousos Manousakis, Chairman and CEO, Independent Power Transmission Operator, Mr. George Polychroniou, Executive Director Strategy, Business Development, Administration & IT, Public Gas Corporation (DEPA). An overview of European and regional energy markets was made by Mr. Karl Vella, Coordinator Environment and Climate Change Environment & Sustainable Development Policy Unit, of Εurelectric, Ms. Eugenia Gusilov, Director, ROEC, Romania and Dr. Yurdakul Yigitguden, Independent Energy Consultant and Former Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environment Activities, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, from Turkey.

In what appeared to be one of the most successful IENE events of recent years "Energy & Development 2017” attracted record crowds with more than 300 registered participants. A total of fifty two speakers and panelists actively participated in this long established annual event covering between them a wide range of topics in the broad energy spectrum. These topics included: The Greek Energy Market in Search of a New Direction, The Global Energy Markets in Transition, Exploring forHydrocarbons in Greece, The Key Role of Natural Gas and Renewables in the Energy Transition, TheCritical Transition of the Greek Energy Electricity Market and the Target Model, Long Term Energy Planning and Energy Security, and Confronting Energy Poverty. The conference concluded ith a round table discussionon the role of energy as a level for investment and development. To view the detailed conference programme visit the conference banner at

Greece’s Public Power Corporation S.A. was the lead sponsor of this year’s "Energy and Development” Conference, while the Transmission System Operator (ADMIE) was the event’s strategic sponsor with Hellenic Petroleum S. A. and TERNA Energy S. A. being its sponsors. The supporters of the Conference included Energean Oil & Gas, the Public Gas Corporation (DEPA), MYTILINEOS S.A., KG Law Firm and EDA Attikis S. A., while Greece’s leading energy portal, Energia.Gr, the daily Kathimerini, "New Europe” and "Finance & Markets Voice” newspapers, as well as Euro2Day,, FM and EnergyPress websites were the event’s media partners.

IEA’s World Energy Outlook 2017

Oneof the highlights of this year’s conference was the presentation of IEA’s World Energy Outlook 2017 since Athens had been selected as one of the 10 cities worldwide where IEA’s major report was to be presented. Hence WEO 2017 was presentedduring the opening session of the"Energy & Development 2017” conference byMr. Brent Wanner, Senior Energy Analyst, at IEA headquartersin Paris.

The IEA flagship publication World Energy Outlook (WEO), widely regarded as the gold standard of energy analysis, provides, strategic insight on what today’s policy and investment decisions mean for long-term trends. Based on rigorous modeling across different scenarios, the WEO projections are used by public and private sector stakeholders as a framework for policy-making, planning and investment decisions, and to identify pathways to a sustainable energy future. 

WEO 2017 reflects the fluctuating status of the global energy scene in our time, where large-scale shifts in the global energy system are the key feature. These shifts include the rapid deployment and deep declines in the costs of major renewable energy technologies; a growing shift towards electricity in energy use across the globe; profound changes in China’s economy and energy policy, moving consumption away from coal; and the continued surge in shale gas and tight oil production in the United States. 

These changes provide the backdrop for the WEO 2017, which includes a full update of energy demand and supply projections to 2040 based on different scenarios. The projections are accompanied by detailed analyses of their impact on energy industries and investment, as well as implications for energy security and the environment.

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COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE