IENE’s «6th SEEED» Focused on the Major Regional and Global Energy Challenges in SE Europe

IENE’s «6th SEEED» Focused on the Major Regional and Global Energy Challenges in SE EuropeThe challenges, investment opportunities and the necessary changes across the entire energy spectrum were the main topics of the “6th South East Europe Energy Dialogue” (“6th SEEED”), that the Institute of Energy for South East Europe (IENE) organized, in cooperation the World Energy Council, in Thessaloniki on May, 30 and 31, 2012. More than 100 delegates participated in this international IENE event that, this year, focused on “Redefining SE Europe’s Energy Map”

The challenges, investment opportunities and the necessary changes across the entire energy spectrum were the main topics of the "6th South East Europe Energy Dialogue” ("6th SEEED”), that the Institute of Energy for South East Europe (IENE) organized, in cooperation the World Energy Council, in Thessaloniki on May, 30 and 31, 2012. More than 100 delegates participated in this international IENE event that, this year, focused on "Redefining SE Europe’s Energy Map”.

n his opening speech, the chairman of IENE and Director, Regulatory Affairs, Mytilineos S.A., Dr. John Desypris, stressed the need for regional consensus on major infrastructure projects. "Policy proposals and good ideas are important," he said, "but equally important are the financial tools necessary to realize the projects." He also noted that the EU policy leans toward stopping subsidies to large projects and to identify new financial tools to finance investments.

Other speakers in the opening session of the "6th SEEED”, included the representative of IEA, Mrs. Thea Khitarishvili, and Mr. Marc Seris, Senior Director of PFC Energy, who pointed out the radical changes and reforms already underway. The two speakers further the identified the global energy trends and their interaction with the current economic and political developments.

The second session of the conference, with the participation of high-ranking officials of the region’s ITOs, focused on the necessary reforms and investments for the development of an integrated regional electricity market in Southeast Europe. The session proceeded with the analysis of investment planning in the electricity sector and opportunities now opening up in the region.

At the next session, on oil market opportunities in SE Europe, several experts of the oil sector, including Mr. Hans Hutta, General Manager of the Petroleum Management Academy in Vienna, Dr. Constantinos Nikolaou, Petroleum Geologist, General Director of Kanergy and Member of IENE’s Board of Directors and Mr. Panos Benos, Chief Financial Officer of "Energean Oil & Gas”, presented the recent developments and the outlook for new hydrocarbon discoveries in the East Mediterranean and the Black Sea. The last session of the first day of the "6th SEEED” focused on the development of RES, energy efficiency and cogeneration.

The second day (May 31st) of the 6th South East Europe Energy Dialogue commenced with the keynote address by Mr. Sergei Komlev, Head of Directorate of Gazprom Export, a subsidiary of Russian state gas giant Gazprom. Mr. Komlev elaborated on Gazprom's strategy on energy security of the EU, highlighting the most important and topical issues relating to gas supply to Europe.

Konstantinos Karayannakos, Division Head of International Operations of DEPA, Dr. Narsi Ghorban, Secretary to the Environment and Energy Commission of the International Chamber of Commerce, Iran Committee, and Klaus Luber, Head of Business Development of Germany’s E.ON Ruhrgas AG, were also among the speakers of this session which also dealt with the supply concerns related to natural gas and European energy security. The panel discussion that followed, focused on the development of gas markets in the region, a subject of extreme importance, at a time when the EU strategy for the "Southern Corridor" enters the final stages of implementation.

The major gas infrastructure projects in SE Europe were at the centre of the seventh session. The keynote address was delivered by Dr. George Paparsenos, Managing Director of DESDA, who referred extensively to the strategic development and expansion of the gas network in Greece, whereas representatives of natural gas companies (Edison, DEPA), pipeline consortia (TAP), as well as of public authorities, companies, etc. of the region (Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia) also took part.

The "6th SEEED” ended with a session dedicated on the building of a Regional Energy Market in SE Europe, with the participation of several regulators and energy companies of the region, and a panel discussion on the latter’s Energy Market Future Outlook.

The proceedings of the "6th South East Europe Energy Dialogue” wrapped-up with the formulation of the main conclusions of this year's
conference, with the realisation, once again, that this international event has now established itself as the leading regional energy dialogue forum.

Overall, four panel discussions on crucial subjects of the regional energy agenda took place during IENE "6th SEEED”, whereas the official Conference Dinner was held on the evening of the first day (May 30th) with Mr. Alexander Lykourezos, (Managing Partner of Lykourezos Law Offices, Greece) as invited speaker. The organizers of the conference bestowed on Mr. Lykourezos a commemorative plaque in recognition of his lifelong achievement in the legal profession and his contribution to energy law.

All speeches and presentations, as well as the conclusions of the "6th SEEED” will soon be available to all the participants to the conference and all IENE members via special website.

The lead sponsor of "6th South East Europe Energy Dialogue” was Greece’s Public Gas Corporation (DEPA). The "6th SEEED” was also sponsored by Protergia SA, and Terna Energy S.A. Supporting companies also included the Hellenic Gas Transmission System Operator (DESFA S.A.), Siemens, the KDGI and Lykourezos Law Offices. The Conference’s media partners included the "Kathimerini’, "International Herald Tribune” and "New Europe” newspapers, as well as the website.
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COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE