IΕΝΕ’S 3rd SE Europe Hydrocarbons Upstream Workshop Attracts Industry Leaders to Athens

IΕΝΕ’S 3rd SE Europe Hydrocarbons Upstream Workshop Attracts Industry Leaders to AthensFollowing two successful international workshops which IENE organised in 2012 and 2013 on Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production in the East Mediterranean and the Adriatic Sea, the Institute is convening a 3rd Upstream workshop for SEE to be held next week in Athens


Following two successful international workshops which IENE organised in 2012 and 2013 on Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production in the East Mediterranean and the Adriatic Sea, the Institute is convening a 3rd Upstream workshop for SEE to be held next week in Athens. This year the geographical area of the workshop has been broadened to include more countries from the Black Sea and the East Mediterranean. The scope of this year’s event, which is a two day intensive workshop, to be held at the Royal Olympic Hotel in downtown Athens, on October 30-31, is to present latest research work and carry out an evaluation regarding the region's hydrocarbon potential, but also refer to specific examples of exploration and production work.

The Workshop, which is organised under the auspices of the Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy (which is in charge of Greece’s hydrocarbon sector) and in partnership with the Hellenic Hydrocarbons Resources Management (HHRM), will be attended by leading specialists and executives from international companies with experience and active presence in the region’s upstream sector.The Workshop will refer to the latest geological, geophysical and seismic research and will cover specific regions, including the Black Sea, the Eastern part of the Mediterranean basin and the Adriatic Sea.

A review of the different countries’ exploration work and production activities will be undertaken, as well as of their national programmes, including international concession rounds (ongoing and planned) and companies' investment plans. Also an examination of all relevant legal, regulatory and financial issues will be made. The objective is that of an overall assessment of hydrocarbon exploration and production activities in the region.

Leading oil and gas specialists will gather next week in Athens to present their latest findings and exchange views on the progress in developing the region’s not insignificant hydrocarbon deposits. Geologists, petroleum and reservoir engineers, oil and gas specialists from more than 12 different countries in the broader region, will participate in this highly topical upstream workshop. Delegates who have already confirmed their participation will come from Albania, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Norway, the UK, Bulgaria, Romania, Georgia, Turkey, Israel and Cyprus.


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COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE