IENE’s 21st Partners General Assembly Held in Athens

IENE’s 21st Partners General Assembly Held in AthensIENE’s Partners Assembly took place on Wednesday, January 14, 2015, in Athens. The agenda of this AGM mainly focused on the presentation of IENE’s activities report for 2014 and discussion on the Institute’s activities and plans for 2015

IENE’s Partners Assembly took place on Wednesday, January 14, 2015, in Athens. The agenda of this AGM mainly focused on the presentation of IENE’s activities report for 2014 and discussion on the Institute’s activities and plans for 2015.

The Chairman of the Institute, Mr. John Chadjivassiliadis, opened the Partners Assembly by referring to last year’s activities including major studies carried out and events held in the different countries of SE Europe. As Mr. Chadjivassiliadis stressed, those activities, as well as timely information and analysis provided to its members by IENE on a regular basis, but also its participation in a wide range of regional and international energy events and fora, tends to establish it as a reliable and respectful regional think tank.

Within this framework, as IENE’s Chairman underlined, the Institute has developed strong links and co-operation with regional and international organizations, such as the International Energy Agency (IEA) in Paris and the Energy Community, in Vienna, and, also, launched, in 2014, its new English website, (, which has already been warmly received by IENE’s members and friends from SE Europe and beyond. Mr. Chadjivassiliadis referred to IENE’s "Fund Drive” campaign which was launched at the "Back to Business 2014” event, on October 1, 2014, aiming at the economic support of targeted research programmes, studies, events and various other actions of the Institute.

Finally, the Chairman of the Institute stressed that 2015 will be a challenging year for IENE, thus an ambitious programme with a plethora of events and other activities has been scheduled.

Furthermore, IENE’s provisional financial statement for 2014 was presented at the Assembly by the Executive Director Mr. Costis Stambolis, who also provided a detailed description of the scheduled international and regional events for 2015, as well as the rest of its activities (e.g. provision of information to members, publication of working papers, scientific committees etc.). He also provided information on the participation of IENE members and personnel to international events and conferences. According to the Executive Director, the audited financial statement will be presented in the June AGM for approval and publication.

IENE’s Executive Director stressed that, despite the difficult economic circumstances, which prevailed last year, the Institute remained firm in its outward strategy, which aims in promoting its presence and activities in SE Europe and beyond, by attracting new members and getting involved in regional and international programmes (e.g. participation in EU programmes, expanding its co-operation with companies and other institutes etc.).However, as Mr. Stambolis underlined, IENE’s limited resources have prevented it from developing its full potential, acquired through its considerable experience and networking.

He also gave a detailed description of the challenges which the Institute will face in 2015 and are summarized as follows:

(i) Preparation and finalization of the updated edition of the "SE Europe Energy Outlook 2015” study, with the participation of external associates.

(ii) The finalization and publication of several studies already undertaken by IENE (e.g. Underground Natural Gas Storage in Greece and SE Europe, establishing the Vertical Corridor, Assessment of Energy Efficiency Projects in Greece, Outlook for Hydrocarbon Development in the East Mediterranean etc.).

(iii) Organizing of regional and international seminars, workshops and conferences in (e.g. on natural gas in Vienna, on nuclear energy in Bucharest, on the role of Turkey in SE Europe in Ankara, on electricity trading in Budapest etc.).

(iv) Establishing the annual IENE awards for the promotion of innovation, entrepreneurship and regional co-operation in the energy sector in SE Europe.

(v) Conducting IENE’s first postgraduate seminar on Energy and Geopolitics, as well as organizing a Summer School for 2016.

(vi) Improving the organization of the Institute’s scientific committees, mobilization of IENE’s International Advisory Board and convening of certain committees in different locations (e.g. Belgrade, Sofia, Ankara etc.).

(vii) Upgrading IENE’s "SE Europe Energy Review” into a Journal with an editorial board and a peer review procedure.

In his closing remarks, IENE’s Executive Director stressed the importance of the active participation of each and every one of the partners in IENE activities and requested their support in fulfillment of the founders’ vision and targets, set at its very beginning back in 2003.

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COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE