IENE/ROEC Conference in Bucharest on Nuclear Power Generation in SE Europe Attracts Top Industry Executives

IENE/ROEC Conference in Bucharest on Nuclear Power Generation in SE Europe Attracts Top Industry ExecutivesSenior executives of the nuclear industry from China, Canada, Belgium, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria are some of the speakers of this one-day conference on "The Nuclear Option for SE Europe”, to be held in Bucharest, Romania, at the "Intercontinental Hotel”, on May 6, 2015 (visit conference banner in this site for programme and registration details)

Senior executives of the nuclear industry from China, Canada, Belgium, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria are some of the speakers of this one-day conference on "The Nuclear Option for SE Europe”, to be held in Bucharest, Romania, at the "Intercontinental Hotel”, on May 6, 2015 (visit conference banner in this site for programme and registration details). Moreover, high-level officials of major international and EU organizations of the nuclear energy sector, as well as nuclear energy experts, government officials and executives from major energy companies from various countries in SE Europe will participate in this event, jointly organized by IENE (Institute of Energy for SE Europe) and the Romania Energy Centre (ROEC).

More specifically, the president of Belgium’s Westinghouse, Mr. Yves Brachet, Mr. David Hu Zhuo, Assistant General Director of China’s General Nuclear Power Group (CGN) and Mr. John Saroudis, Regional Vice President of Canada’s SNC Candu Energy Inc. will speak on latest nuclear projects in the region and discuss investment policies. Additionally, the Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), will be represented by Mr. Ayhan Evrensel, Communication Adviser at the Office of the Deputy Director General (Department of Nuclear Energy), whereas Dr. Theodor Chirica, Chief Executive Officer of EnergoNuclear and Executive Board Member of the European Atomic Forum (FORATOM), will speak on behalf of the Brussels-based trade association for the nuclear energy industry.

Central to the theme of the conference are the challenges and opportunities for nuclear power generation in SE Europe in view of the current debate on EU energy security and latest international energy developments. Many European countries, with some of them belonging to SE Europe and its broader region - such as Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary and Turkey - are building or planning to build new nuclear power plants.

Other speakers include Ms. Daniela Lulache (CEO, Nuclearelectrica, Romania), Mr. Mladen Mitev (President, Bulgarian Nuclear Association, Bulgaria), Mr. Pal Kovacs (Advisor to CEO, Former State Secretary for Energy Affairs, Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd., Hungary), Mr. Liviu Gherghe, Senior Director, ELCOMEX IEA, ROMATOM, Romania), Ms. Mihaela Stiopol (President, Romanian Nuclear Energy Association - AREN, Romania), Prof. Dr. Osman Sevaioglu (Dpt. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Middle East Tech. University, Ankara, Turkey), Dr. Ionut Purica (Executive Director, Advisory Center for Energy and Environment, Romanian Academy, Romania) and Mr. Nicholas Sofianos (Research Projects Co-ordinator, IENE, Greece).

Ms. Eugenia Gusilov (Director, Romania Energy Center - ROEC) and Mr. Costis Stambolis, (Executive Director, Institute of Energy for SE Europe - IENE, Greece), on behalf of the organizers, will open the conference proceedings with introductory remarks.

The agenda of this IENE/ROEC conference will cover legal, safety and regulatory issues of nuclear power, reviews of the nuclear profile of each SE European country, as well as investment and financing issues of the nuclear power market.

"The Nuclear Option for SE Europe” conference will also address certain controversial issues related to safety and nuclear waste disposal and will attempt to initiate a cross border public debate for the prospects and limitations in developing further nuclear power generation in the region.

Romania’s Nuclearelectrica is the conference’s supporter, while media partners include the and See News portals.

The conference programme and registration details are available through IENE’s website (

For further information please contact (0030) 210 3628457, 3640278 FAX: (0030) 210 3646144.

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