IENE Workshop in Tirana to Examine the Development of Albania’s Hydroelectric Potential

IENE Workshop in Tirana to Examine the Development of Albania’s Hydroelectric PotentialA one-day workshop on the utilization of Albania’s significant hydroelectric potential is convened by the Institute of Energy for SE Europe (IENE) in Tirana on June 3, 2016. This special IENE event, organized in cooperation with Albanian counterparts and under the auspices of the Albanian Ministry of Energy and Industry and of the Greek embassy in Tirana, will examine the further exploitation and expansion of Albania’s hydropower sector and propose a viable strategy for sustainable development

A one-day workshop on the utilization of Albania’s significant hydroelectric potential is convened by the Institute of Energy for SE Europe (IENE) in Tirana on June 3, 2016. This special IENE event, organized in cooperation with Albanian counterparts and under the auspices of the Albanian Ministry of Energy and Industry and of the Greek embassy in Tirana, will examine the further exploitation and expansion of Albania’s hydropower sector and propose a viable strategy for sustainable development.

The workshop will also examine the role of Albania’s hydroelectric potential in terms of electricity exports to the surrounding countries thus contributing to the improvement of energy security in the West Balkan region and SE Europe in general. The need to attract and accelerate investment for the construction of both small and large hydropower plants in Albania but also to maintain and upgrade the existing infrastructure will be highlighted in this highly focused IENE workshop.

Latest developments in energy regulation as well as the optimal use of energy, water management, rational operation of hydropower plants, the electricity supply and demand situation, the lack of sufficient grid connections and the country’s long-term commitment to achieve greater diversification in power generation, are some of the important issues that will be discussed during the workshop.

Furthermore, this IENE event will review latest research and market developments in Albania’s electricity and hydroelectricity sector. Key energy policy issues, including administrative, financial and non-technical obstacles which hinder investment will also be also further discussed. Also, a number of completed and planned hydroelectricity projects will be presented by executives of the companies involved.

Albanian, Greek and international experts and companies, will participate in this one-day Workshop which will aim to highlight the important issues of the sector. Greece’s Public Power Corporation (PPC) is the lead sponsor of the event while several local companies have also pledged important support.

Attendance of the Workshop is by invitation only and is open to all IENE members. In order to attend it is important to register by completing the Workshop registration form and forward it to IENE offices by May 30th, 2016. Registration forms are available by visiting the workshop’s banner on this site.

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COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE