IENE unveils plans for two new roadshows in Belgrade and Istanbul for the presentation of the “SEE Energy Outlook” report

IENE unveils plans for two new roadshows in Belgrade and Istanbul for the presentation of the “SEE Energy Outlook” reportFollowing a well attended press conference held yesterday in Athens, where the Institute presented its recently released flagship publication, the “SEE Energy Outlook 2021/2022”, to Greek and foreign journalists IENE has now confirmed plans for two new roadshows in the region in order to promote the “Outlook” study.

Following a well attended press conference held yesterday in Athens, where the Institute presented its recently released flagship publication, the “SEE Energy Outlook 2021/2022”, to Greek and foreign journalists IENE has now confirmed plans for two new roadshows in the region in order to promote the “Outlook” study. As part of its policy to broaden the discussion on key energy and environmental issues across the region, the Institute on the occasion of the publication of its flagship report, organises a series of roadshows in different capital cities in SE Europe.

The first such event will take place in Belgrade, Serbia on May 11 and will be hosted by Serbia’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry while the second will be organised on May 24 jointly with EPIAS, the Energy Exchange Istanbul (EXIST), which was one of the study’s sponsors. These two events come on top of presentations held earlier in Athens (1/3) and Sofia (8/3).As the “Outlook” covers all countries in the broad SE European region the Institute remains committed to its original goal of involving as many countries as possible in the discussion over the future of energy supply and use over the coming years.

“Such a discussion is now more necessary than ever before as the counties in SE Europe,both individually but as also as a region, in view of growing uncertainty over energy supplies have to reconsider their plans and adjust their policies”, noted IENE’s chairman Mr.Costis Stambolis. “As the nature of the problems is becoming more complex and external parameters more critical there is greater need for cooperation between counties in the region.We are called upon to manage a growing entanglement between energy, climate, security and geopolitics and this is where the ‘Outlook’ study makes a very useful contribution”, added IENE’s chairman.

Further information on the forthcoming two new roadshows for the presentation of the ‘Outlook’ report in Belgrade and Istanbul and details for the participation of IENE members will be announced over the next few days.

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COOPERATING ORGANISATIONS IEA Energy Institute Energy Community Eurelectric Eurogas Energy Management Institute BBSPA AERS ROEC BPIE